More than a few passers-by have done a double-take along Mokapu Boulevard in recent months.
That huge, silverish stack of metal is what has been missing for Kalaheo’s football and soccer teams all these years. Bleachers. A high, beautiful stack of seats in the year 2017. The work isn’t limited to spectator appeal, though.
“The sprinkler system is in and when the roots come up, we start the process to new grass,” Kalaheo Athletic Director Mark Brilhante said.
The length of the field has always been enough for official soccer and football games.
“There was a slope and they graded it a bit,” Brilhante said of the bleacher area.
There will also soon be a seating area for tennis spectators on the back side of the bleachers. Work is expected to be completed in July of 2018.
The football team spent the fall season practicing at Kainalu Elementary School. The boys and girls soccer teams are practicing at Kailua District Park.
Brilhante added that a scoreboard and goal posts will be installed soon, but there will be no home games.
“We’d need restrooms, a press box and concessions,” he said.
Why is there only bleachers covering 1/2 of the field? It doesn’t even look like the school’s whole student body would be able to fit. One would think the state would do it right the 1st time and build bleachers for the whole side, lame!
Someone please cover this again. These students deserve their field and the money that goes with it.
They’re unable to make money off their games or consessions because they are forced to play on their rivals fields.
These kids deserve better efforts. They deserve their field complete with lights.