Kapolei’s top 2 QBs among those transferring out

Quarterback Kaniala Kalaola has transferred from Kapolei to Campbell, according to sources. Jamm Aquino / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Kapolei will be without its top two quarterbacks for the 2018 season, according to multiple sources.

The Hurricanes’ Kaniala Kalaola, who will be a senior this fall, has transferred to Campbell. He split starting duties with Lonenoa Faoa, who transferred in to Kapolei from Bishop Gorman (Las Vegas) late last August.

Faoa, who will be a junior, has transferred to Liberty (Henderson, Nev.).

Kalaola played in nine games in 2017, throwing for 1,331 yards and 11 TDs. Faoa played in five, passing for 1,061 yards and 12 TDs for the Hurricanes, who finished 5-5.

The defections are on top of a big loss by transfer before the 2017 season. That’s when star quarterback Taulia Tagovailoa transferred from Kapolei to Thompson High in Alabama. He wanted to be with his brother, Tua Tavogailoa, who passed the University of Alabama to a win in the national title game in January 2018. In 23 games over two seasons with the Hurricanes, Tualia Tagovailoa threw for 6,703 yards and 64 TDs. He will be playing his second season for Thompson as a senior this fall and has already committed to Alabama.

Five other Kapolei players have transferred out, including three to Campbell — sophomore-to-be receiver Titus Mokiao-Atimalala, junior-to-be receiver Tamatoa Mokiao-Atimalala, and senior-to-be safety Christian Broome.

Hurricanes junior-to-be linebacker Bam Amina has transferred to Bishop Gorman. Hawaii Prep World previously reported that senior-to-be defensive lineman Treven Ma’ae is off to Bishop Gorman.

In addition, three Kahuku players have transferred or are about to transfer to Campbell, according to sources — senior-to-be receiver Moewaa Graycochea, senior-to-be linebacker Kaiini Hall-Pukahi, and junior-to-be linebacker Harrington Wa’a.

Here is an analysis of the OIA’s transfer rule: http://www.hawaiiprepworld.com/football/reading-between-the-lines-of-oia-transfer-rule/


  1. Dee May 16, 2018 4:35 pm

    None of these players have to sit out a year?

  2. Rebel May 16, 2018 4:54 pm

    What happened about Red Raiderette comment? Truth hurts…

  3. ILH May 16, 2018 5:12 pm

    The Mokiao Atimalala brother’s should’ve played for Campbell to begin with, because they both played for JPS Ewa Beach Sabers youth. Wow 6 kids left Kapolei, that is crazy. Can’t wait for the season to start.

  4. Knation May 16, 2018 5:49 pm

    @rebel what’s your point? These kids that are transferring out of kahuku is just looking for playing time. Kahuku is loaded this year. Now you knowing this the truth does hurt lol. Anyways I feel bad for kapolei losing there star players. Campbell program is on the rise!?!

  5. roughriders99 May 16, 2018 6:59 pm

    Why is Kaniala Kalaola transferring to Campbell? Doesn’t Campbell have a talented lefty QB Krenston Kaipo. I wonder who is going to be the starting QB at Kapolei

    Bishop Gorman is getting great athletes in Amina and Ma’ae

    Prediction Alert: Campbell will make it to the state finals behind the master mind of Coach DJ

  6. Last Samurai May 16, 2018 7:12 pm

    I nominate DJ for “Recruiter of the Year!” He may turn out to be even better then Miano! OIA AD’s are Wimps! Don’t ever want to hear you complain about the ILH recruiting, you can’t even police your own.

  7. 808 sports fan May 16, 2018 7:22 pm

    I think it’s fair game Recruiting is the only way public schools can win against the ILH DJ has done a great job recruiting this off season let’s see if it pays off with a state title!

  8. Rebel May 16, 2018 11:08 pm

    Hey KNation, did you read Red Raiderette
    comment that is no longer posted? Was aiming at R R’s last sentence…

  9. Locoleaga78 May 17, 2018 1:24 am


  10. Boner May 17, 2018 4:53 am

    Geee, what the heck is happening with the Hurricanes? Mass exodus! Bachi Hernandez play musical chairs w/the 2 QB’s replacing Kalaola with Faoa and back and forth again. Bachi they demote OC Amosa with himself thinking they could duplicate June Jones. Looks like it ain’t happening out there in Kapolei for all of them and more to leave. Not a good sign as they head into the Open Division competition this Fall. Gonna have to coach em up with what personnel remains there. Good Luck vs the Saints, Puns, Govs, Trojans, Seariders, Warriors, Red Raiders, Sabers, did I miss any team? Yikes!

  11. Mr.T May 17, 2018 6:06 am

    If Campbell doesn’t do anything this year, then what.Lol.Recruit transfer who gives a hoot.So long the kids stay healthy n get an education. Gear up for an action packed schedule week in week out this football season ilh oia finally.

  12. J. Reh May 17, 2018 7:21 am

    DJ and York for OIA recruiter of the year. LOL

  13. Football Guru May 17, 2018 9:27 am

    What’s DJs selling points to get kids at Campbell . The Worst school Educational Wise in the State . It ain’t gonna be football . DJ just makes it to the Semis Can’t make the finals cause their all juiced or Inelgible . Desperate !!! Campbell Lol . Watch out for these players In the coming years . See if they make it to college with that Education !

  14. phILHarmonic May 17, 2018 9:38 am

    One year in and already “funny kine” stuff happening at Campbell.

    Correlation or Causation??

    How does this stand with the Ewa Beach Peeps??

    Btw, 808, nobody in the ILH is complaining, its your fellow OIA peeps. Weve been recruiting forever, its about time the OIA got with it.

    I would be remiss if I didnt mention that “rooted not recruited” means something to these communities who’s children grow up playing in the community league which are now being displaced. Even the good ones, so Ive heard.

    Still early yet, things could change…………….they could get more recruits, buwahahaha.

    And, what the heck is happening in Kapolei??

  15. phILHarmonic May 17, 2018 11:03 am

    And…….What does the Mayor of Ewa Beach have to say about these “mercenaries” (Borrow this term, small kine)?

  16. Nick Asinsin May 17, 2018 11:44 am

    With the few success stories we see, there are far too many failures. Mililani recruited for years and got one championship… Kapolei recruits for years and got zero… Now its the Sabers turn. I’m from Nanakuli where most of these players who are named in this article have roots to the valley. What would Nanakuli be if families didn’t go looking for greener pastures.
    There has only been one team in the history of the OIA that hasn’t dipped any lower then the upper tier in OIA Football, and that is Waianae. Why because we have pride on the Westside like no where else. We don’t need nobody because we got ourselves. “Rooted not Recruited” means something from Black Rocks to Kaena Point… oh and as Da Governor would say Hawks Bebeh!!!!

  17. Grow Up May 17, 2018 11:48 am

    John you sound like a salty, “now my kids ain’t going to play”, middle aged, bitter person. Posting these minor’s alleged addresses is HARASSMENT and BULLYING. Image if someone went to their house and something happened? HPD will surely show up at your door. Grow up! Campbell along with every school does require residency verification. Be educated too, if a student brings everything that is asked for, whether or not they actually live there, there is noting the school can do. The school cannot discriminate and check only certain students address, they would have to do it for everyone. Your representatives and senators won’t do much. You’re concern has NOTHING to do with the quality of an education (which is what your kid is there for), sports is optional. Your kids don’t need saving, you need to grow up!

  18. chicken May 17, 2018 12:00 pm

    @john why don’t you post your address and your real name? You already wrote to everyone and their mom why not put your name? easy to talk tough behind a screen.

  19. ILH May 17, 2018 1:09 pm

    John you are full of hatred. Here I’m thinking your from another school besides Campbell complaining but no your an alumni. That just shows that these kids who transfered over took your son’s spot. Just have to coach up your son John that’s it. It don’t matter who recruits, at the end of the day, it’s the coaching. You can have lots of talent but if not put to use properly, than just another season. By the way thanks for the address, I can go visit my Bradah Rob and tell him take the boys to the Lou to much hatters.

  20. Alohalani May 17, 2018 1:11 pm

    Wow! Jus Wow! I know the Kalaola & Mokiao Atimalala Ohana and wherever the boys play there education comes first people are always quick to assume, but just because they live on Hawaiian Homestead doesn’t mean anything they could of been from Ewa Beach before that or have multiple homes. What are u trying to get out of posting their address they could easily get a district exception or their parents work there you don’t know the facts and if I was their parent to put my address on blast while stating my minor children’s name would have legal authorities looking for you.

  21. RR4L May 17, 2018 1:28 pm

    Campbell gonna win states this year mark my words. and JOHN your son gotta step up his game. stop typing and go work him out!!

  22. Hwnstyll May 17, 2018 2:18 pm

    I back up any parent that is against transfers coming into their district.
    They are directly affected. “coach up your kid”? what kind of chance is a kid going to have when a recruited kid is promised a spot? You think it will be a fair competition? You think the parents of the kid transferring will transfer for just an opportunity to try out for a position, you sound Naive.
    The only people hurt by transfers are the incoming school, teachers, students , and parents. If they do not want their coaches to recruit they should let their voices be heard. If you are adding to my kids class size and reducing time his teacher has for him then that is an issue with me.
    Giving addresses is messed up but I agree with the point of people not wanting transfers in their schools. If families move to a new district then that’s fine, but if it is just for sports then it is lame. Look at Kahuku, kids attend half the year and then move, they are not even RR for a year let alone life. If you want a better team and education transfer to private schools. I know Damien, Pac 5, St Francis are looking for talent and diversity, and with them comes better education opportunities.

  23. ILH May 17, 2018 2:39 pm

    Big Island isnt the only place going have one eruption.

    Its more than just one parent that is upset. Like the west side, Ewa Beach peeps want to win it with their kids who was born and raised there because they have PRIDE.

  24. ILH May 17, 2018 3:10 pm

    Excusesstyll, just because a kid transfers doesn’t mean they’ve been recruited. You need to compete, nothing in this world is given. Life isn’t fair unless you better it. I heard they have about 40 kids or more in 1 class at Campbell, so that time with teachers that you mentioned, not happening, but I tell you this, it’s a team sport so the kids will get better together. Sometimes it takes a player to reach and teach a player than a coach. Everyone has the opportunity to to do what’s better for themselves. There’s always a reason for kids to transfer, reason is non of our buisness. It’s called public school for a reason, and not everybody has money like you to go private schools. Come on!!

  25. Coach C May 17, 2018 5:08 pm

    First of all, this is about TRANSFERS. None of these transfers are guaranteed to start. Plus these are OIA public schools. No tuition. Recruit is when you send recruiters to schools and offer the athlete some form of compensation, tuition waiver,deduction,part time job etc. It’s usually private institutes that recruit. I’m sure DJ was bought to Campbell because he offers a more promising future in football education. Now that the transfer lines has blurred, This is no differecent than Salanoa”s super D2 Radford championship team 3 years ago. Some coaches has charisma. Now if the OIA can get a strong turf for Waianae,Kahuku and Campbell, all will be good.

  26. Coach C May 17, 2018 5:26 pm

    If Hernandez allow’s Kapolei to always be a “stepping stone”, then they will never be Champs. He also has to instill discipline. He should have kept Manley on staff.

  27. Really? May 17, 2018 8:54 pm

    @Hwnstyll I guess you’re at every neighborhood board meeting when massive housing developments keeping going up in your community adding more students and directly affecting teachers, students, and parents? The people against the transfers ALL have kids who could be losing playing time because
    nothing drives up the student count more than new housing, yet no one is against that. A handful of transfers vs hundreds from new developments? Come on. If you want to blame someone then blame the person who hired the coach. They knew this would happen. It always happens.

  28. @76SOUTH May 17, 2018 9:05 pm

    DJ and his Campbell Sabers will not win the championship this year or next year. DJ has did this before and he always choked. He will probably get kicked out of Campbell for doing the same thing he did at Kailua and Kaimuki. Without an oline and DLine, they will be like last year. Kids leaving Kapolei to go to Campbell better hope DJ gets them a scholarship.

  29. OIA May 17, 2018 9:17 pm

    Recruit Recruit Kahuku special now Campbell. There will be some star players from Waipahu who will be transferring too. Just watch. Play with your home town kids. Shame

  30. OIA May 17, 2018 9:20 pm

    DJ has no shame. Win at all cost. Education no mean anything as long as they win. Campbell. Ad Awake up.

  31. OIA May 17, 2018 9:25 pm


  32. NOA May 17, 2018 10:03 pm

    @NickAsinsin #HAWKSBEBE

  33. ??? May 17, 2018 10:33 pm

    Still trying to figure out #17?
    If u from Nanakuli why u SO pumped up about Waianae football? They should be your rival !!

  34. PoloLouKama May 17, 2018 11:39 pm

    Se Ufa, stop crying and acting like you all have a crystal ball. The open division is up for grabs and it will be a battle every week. The team with healthy top players will prevail and everyone will compete for their starting positions. Transfer or not the best 11 will be on the field. Off season workouts is key and team harmony will be a factor. Every team has a chance and there is no guarantee on who will beat who. Whether it is Dj, Cal Lee, Rod York or whoever game day is the true test. All teams have Aweaome and great coaches and players. It will come down to game day play. No easy games or a walk in the park games. All hard nose, battle royale and to the death games. What an exciting season we will have and a history in the making evwnt. The first of its kind, screw the politics and lets kick back and enjoy some serious football for once. Kids went here, kids went there, so what!! Go wherever you like. Compete and play football. Season didn’t even starr and we pointing fingers and bitchin…It is what it is, deal with it!!!

  35. Sabers May 18, 2018 6:55 am

    @76SOUTH what you implying with your comments about Coach Darren “He will probably get kicked out of Campbell for doing the same thing he did at Kailua and Kaimuki.“ ?! What EXACTLY did he do? For the rest of you losers who crying about recruiting, get over yourselves. Who gives a $#!? if a player and their family decide to move them from one school to another.

  36. @76SOUTH May 18, 2018 10:53 am

    Sabers- Not Darren Hernandez. I was referring to coach DJ

  37. Sabers May 18, 2018 1:08 pm

    @76SOUTH… I am referring to Coach DJ in my post as well, you realize that his name is Darren RIGHT?! So I ask again, in plain English so that you will understand.

    Tell us EXACTLY what Coach Darren Johnson did to get “kicked out” at Kailua and Kaimuki?!
    Let me help you out with the answer… NOTHING!

  38. dejavu May 18, 2018 3:26 pm

    You guys complain when people were saying that Kapolei was “recruiting”, now you’re complaining Campbell is “recruiting” from Kapolei. Big deal. Neither school has won a championship.

  39. Real Deal May 18, 2018 3:45 pm

    Recruiting….Heard Kapolei may get a QB from mainland….

  40. Austin Chang May 18, 2018 7:22 pm

    Kaniala Kalaola should have went to Waipahu instead of Campbell, ain’t way that Junior Quarterback is going to take his spot away. Kaniala Kalaola would have the starting QB if he went to Waipahu. Why not start now, instead waiting a year.

  41. Kaimuki Bulldog May 19, 2018 8:46 am

    Saber, besides recruiting, issues which are confidential and would not be good to disclose publicly. Campbell Admin & AD have knowledge of it but were willing to hire him anyway. That is a reflection of their “Win at all Cost” philosophy which is so un public school like. If the OIA is willing to put up with that, then so be it. With all the recruits transferring in to Campbell, I hope what happened at Kaiser when Miano brought all the recruits in and they ended up displacing all the homegrown Hawaii Kai boys from playing time, doesn’t happen to the Ewa boys.

    Back then, It was a common sight to see every school day morning, the truck coming in from the North Shore w/all the Kahuku boys going to school at Kailua HS. The same may happen at Campbell with the now lax transfer rules and no oversight. More power to Miano, DJ and other Coaches who recruit. If there is no oversight, so be it. The AD’s will tolerate it and look the other way. At Kaimuki, well, one just gotta talk to the Kaimuki people on campus. Good Luck Campbell, wish you the best this coming season. Competition will be fierce and coaching will play a very significant role in the games outcome for all.

  42. Coach A May 19, 2018 8:59 pm

    Kaimuki Bulldog. First of all where ever DJ went the team improved. 100%. Maybe if DJ was at Campbell 5 years ago, the Tagovailoa bros might have stayed in Ewa. In any case, the best 11 will be on the field. Watch for the kickoff team,special teams improve. If guys rally around the coach, that’s all you can ask for.

  43. Nick May 21, 2018 5:22 am

    ??? I don’t know why you confused. or are you stuck in high school still? They may be our so called rivals, however all I was doing was stating the truth. #Hawksbebeh!!!

  44. ILH May 21, 2018 8:02 am

    Ends justify the means mentality. Ok.

    Why did he ever leave those programs if they improved 100%?

    Next you know, kids will be making announcements on twitter:

    “I’d like to thank God and James Campbell High School for my offer to be a Campbell Saber. Shout out to Coach DJ and the Mayor of Ewa Beach for making this happen. I look forward to lighting up North Road and making my family back in Kahuku proud, RR4L”

    This is shaping up to be a great year of football.

  45. Coach A May 26, 2018 2:24 pm

    Ssshhhhhh, ILH. These here is about OIA transfers and rulings. Notice that the Miller vs. State was between Mililani and Kapolei. The AD”s are okay with this. Ssshhhhesh, how did this happen?

  46. Choloropicrin May 28, 2018 10:46 pm

    Waianae will have a new DC this year since the DC went to Kapolei.

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