Former University of Hawaii football head coach June Jones will be an instructor at a clinic on Saturday, July 16, at Kapolei High School.
Jones is the new offensive coordinator for the Kapolei varsity team under Darren Hernandez.
The clinic will run from 6-8 p.m., and it is geared toward every offensive position — quarterbacks, running backs, slotbacks, receivers and offensive line.
Hernandez and Dennis McKnight will also be among the instructors. McKnight, a former assistant under Jones at UH and under Doug Cosbie at Kamehameha, is also a Kapolei assistant with Jones.
For more information, call 358-0407 or email coachdhernandez@gmail.com.
email is wrong. just emailed the guy. can someonw correct? thanks
I just called the above number. The correct email is coachdhernandez@gmail.com so they left out the letter d between coach and hernandez. I just emailed and it worked.
thanks for the correction, Petey. Will fix the story.