Hawaii Prep World sports news archaeologist Jerry Campany went on a mission to get a complete list of Saint Louis starting quarterbacks since statehood.
And he succeeded, with one minor exception. There is a question mark for 1965, but luckily we live in the interactive world of interwebbiness and someone out there has the answer and could relay it to us sometime today. Well, if not, it’s still a damn good list.
Ray Brum (1962 to ’64) is the only one of the bunch who spent three years as the starter.
Here is the list, in descending order from now to 1959.
>> Saint Louis starting quarterbacks
>> 2014: Tua Tagovailoa
>> 2013: Ryder Kuhns
>> 2012: Kawai Mook-Garcia
>> 2011: Kawai Mook-Garcia
>> 2010: Marcus Mariota
>> 2009: Jeremy Higgins
>> 2008: Jeremy Higgins
>> 2007: Micah Mamiya
>> 2006: Micah Mamiya
>> 2005: Cameron Higgins
>> 2004: Stanley Nihipali
>> 2003: Kealii Perbera
>> 2002: Bobby George
>> 2001: Bobby George
>> 2000: Kelika Higa
>> 1999: Timmy Chang
>> 1998: Timmy Chang
>> 1997: Jason Gesser
>> 1996: Jason Gesser
>> 1995: Darnell Arceneaux
>> 1994: Darnell Arceneaux
>> 1993: Joseph Correia
>> 1992: Joel Lane
>> 1991: Joel Lane
>> 1990: John Hao
>> 1989: John Hao
>> 1988: Mike Nua
>> 1987: Erin Hall
>> 1986: Kaiana Kapele
>> 1985: Brad Johnson
>> 1984: Brad Johnson
>> 1983: Sean Kinilau
>> 1982: Guy Brilhante
>> 1981: Royce Racoma
>> 1980: Kevin Scharsch
>> 1979: Mark Brilhante
>> 1978: Paul Goo
>> 1977: Paul Goo
>> 1976: Nolan Kashima
>> 1975: Bob Sykes
>> 1974: Darwin Luna
>> 1973: Vince Passas
>> 1972: Duke Aiona
>> 1971: Vernon Yoro
>> 1970: Kaipo Spencer
>> 1969: Kaipo Spencer
>> 1968: Michael Farish
>> 1967: Buddy Los Banos
>> 1966: Buddy Los Banos
>> 1965: Tony Fraiola?
>> 1964: Ray Brum
>> 1963: Ray Brum
>> 1962: Ray Brum
>> 1961: Mike Vasconcellos
>> 1960: Noel Gray
>> 1959: Noel Gray
SLH starting QB in 1965 was NOT Paul Shaner or Randy Kauhane. They were RB’s. My guess is Eugene Celebrado, but I can’t verify it.
Crusaders for Life,
Let me clear the air about the 1965 quarterback situation, Eugene Celebrado was a running back….The quarterback was Tony Fraiola & sometimes Rowan Chong, Buddy was in and out his sophmore year…Wayne Wakeman was in the mix in 65ʻ too….
Alan Chock I got your back, you tried but I think you were a little too young then
Go! Saints
Awesome, thanks, fan1. I will update it after I confirm it.
Kaipo Spencer graduated in 1971, went to Santa Clara to play in college. Did he get injured his senior year and not play/start? Or did Vernon Yoro beat him out?
Thought he played his senior year and think he played in the California versus Hawaii HS game with Gary Campbell?
If he graduated in 71, his last football season would be 1970, right?
Yoro was definitely the starter in 71, leading the team in passing in eight of nine games we have entered. Duke Aiona led the team in the other one, a 30-12 loss to Punahou. Yoro led the team in the next game, so he must not have been hurt bad.
You can remove the ? next to Tony Fraiola’s name. He was the starting QB for that team although there were a couple other QBs playing as well. I was on that team.
Wow, thanks. I have to keep the ? on there until I can confirm it at the library. Not that I don’t believe you, but in the newspaper business we like to doublecheck everything.
Thanks for reading.
What ? you talking about by Tony Fraiolaʻs name. That symbol is a & (and) ….
I donʻt see a ? by his name….
Kaipo never got injured in his senior year @ STL, 1970 season, & did play in the California/Hawaii game, which Hawaii won…
1986 Quarterbacks were:
Brad Johnson & Joey Charles.
Eugene Celebrado wasn’t even on the 1965 team. I was a freshman in 1962 and I think he was a junior or senior. He was a halfback with Ants Guerrero.
Jerry – check with the Saint Louis School Library – there should be a collection of yearbooks that should reveal who the quarterbacks were for the mid-60s – like you – I’m into Hawaii sports history – have you considered righting / authoring a book on same – between you – myself – and Arthur Suehiro – as a follow-on to his book – Honolulu Stadium: Where Hawaii Played – which could include the history of the soon to be demolished Aloha Stadium – what do you think?
AL MORIKAMI – former sports director-producer with KHNR-CNN Radio and KGU TALK RADIO
Put an * on the same line the Saints won the State Championship/Prep Bowl!