Saint Louis declines invite to national bowl game

Saint Louis' Jahred Silofau found some running room in the Crusaders' 43-16 win over LIberty (Henderson, Nev.) at Aloha Stadium in 2015. Photo by Jamm Aquino/Star-Advertiser.

Saint Louis is declining an invitation to a national bowl game, the school announced to Hawaii Prep World today.

The Crusaders (11-0) — No. 7 in the MaxPreps Xcellent 25 and No. 15 in the USA Today Super 25 — were invited to the Geico State Champions Bowl Series.

UPDATE: Rashid Ghazi, who helped create Paragon Marketing Group, which created the GEICO Bowl Series, told USA Today and confirmed with Hawaii Prep World that Saint Louis had originally agreed to play in the event.

“The package we were providing Saint Louis was all expenses paid, including flights, hotels, meals, accommodations and ground transportation for a traveling party of 75 plus a cash rights fee for the school and one for the HHSAA,” he said.

The timing is not right for Saint Louis to make the trip for the Dec. 22 event, according to Glenn Medeiros, the president of Saint Louis School.

In a prepared statement, Medeiros wrote, “After winning the Open state football championship, the school considered participating in the Geico State Champions Bowl Series. Although it would be an honor to be involved, coaches Cal and Ron Lee, co-athletic directors Ryan Blangiardi and Gerald Welch spent the last few days considering if this trip would be in the best interest of our students. Although traveling is a wonderful way to educate students about the world around them, proving more exposure for our athletes, this particular game takes place during finals week. For this reason, students attending would have to miss their final exams. Additionally, not all players would be able to make the trip, given certain limitations which include the number of hotel rooms available and the cost associated with travel that the school would subsidize (and) families being responsible for assisting financially.

“Moreover, several families have already made plans to travel or make visits to colleges or simply take family vacations during this time. Furthermore, this game does not represent a playoff game, where a national champion is crowned. It is simply an exhibition game against a nationally ranked opponent, similar to those of which we play each year at the beginning of the season, when academics is not adversely affected. Finally, participating in this game would mean that athletes already committed to other sports would have to abandon those teams during the month of December.”

The Crusaders wrapped up their third straight top-tier state championship on Saturday at Aloha Stadium, defeating Mililani 38-17. They have won 26 games in a row.

Cal Lee was reached via cell phone and asked about Medeiros’ statement.

“The timing was not right,” Lee said about the decision to not take the trip. “It’s finals week at the same time. Players have family vacations. Players are playing other sports, such as basketball and wrestling and those sports have already started. It would have been a great opportunity. I wish I could have made it work for the kids’ sake.”

Chris Chun, the HHSAA executive director, said the HHSAA has been working closely with the Bowl Series for the last few months trying to get Hawaii’s state champion into the game.

“We wanted to give our state champion the opportunity to participate in this event,” Chun said in a statement to Hawaii Prep World on Wednesday. “The HHSAA respects Saint Louis School’s decision to decline the invitation for the reasons mentioned.”

The field is not set for the Dec. 22 Bowl Series. Four teams will be picked for a doubleheader out of the six state champions from Arizona, Utah, Florida, Washington, Maryland and Georgia. Most states crown their champions in December.

Saint Louis has defeated Narbonne (Calif.) each of the last two seasons at Aloha Stadium and has won three straight games against mainland opponents since losing to St. John Bosco (Calif.) in 2014 at Aloha Stadium.

The Crusaders haven’t traveled to the mainland for a game since beating West High in Salt Lake City in 1999.


  1. Izzz statue!!! November 29, 2018 4:51 am

    Charles Amai
    The sad thing is Narbonne who supposedly supposed to be St. Louis hardest opponent never have a few of their staters. The Division Narbonne plays in is the second tier just like Waipahu competed in this year… answer this question for me. The difference between Narbonne and Waipahu is the talent levels at the skills position. But, ill say ill take waipahu RB anyday. Also if you compare St. Louis to SJB or Mater Dei the same could be said that SJB and Mater Dei are more talented at the skills position. Both SJB and Mater Dei QB are better than DeLaura. St. Louis D1 offers are linemans and line backer who specializes in rushing off the edge… St. Louis running out of excuses of not scheduling the elite programs

  2. ST LOUIS ... BIG FISH IN A LIL POND November 29, 2018 5:42 am

    So sad, I’m not surprised, typical St Louis and Cal Lee. I remember on previous post, someone said that St Louis would play anyone, anytime…. My ass. St Louis only plays it safe. Let’s see, St Louis plays Narbonne (like a D2 school). Mililani plays St John Bosco (#1 team in the nation). Next year, Mililani will play Bosco again. Then there’s IMG and Bishop Gorman coming to Hawaii. Guess who St Louis chooses to play….surprise, surprise St louis chooses Bishop Gorman. So sad, choose Gorman after all their studs is gone cause they know IMG would fuck them up. St Louis is a joke. They stack their team to only look good in Hawaii, go and challenge teams that stack their team, too. They just want to be a big fish in a small pond. At least Mililani and Kahuku get balls to challenge real teams in their prime, not top names school after their studs is gone or top D2 schools. St Louis is a joke

  3. ??? November 29, 2018 5:55 am

    Give me a break…academics first. Seriously, if it was academic first. They would not be at St Louis, they would be at Punahou or Iolani. Cmon, when someone looks at a resume and see St Louis as their high school. First thing that comes to their mind is “Next Applicant, here’s another dumb privileged jock” Get Real.

  4. Simple Simon November 29, 2018 6:58 am

    This was their opportunity to stamp their claim as one of the best in the nation, and they bailed out. You mean to tell me that the admin, teachers, coaches, all couldn’t agree to move finals or have it earlier or later or whatever, to accommodate the players on this once in a lifetime opportunity? It’s always been in the back of the minds of other people why St Louis doesn’t play top notch teams. This explains everything. So sad!!!

  5. SUSPENSE November 29, 2018 6:59 am

    Like several that brought it up, “WHY CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS ARE NOT CONSIDERED ALSO?”

  6. 3x STATE CHAMP November 29, 2018 7:18 am

    @ SUSPENSE.. UR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! One of the main reason we’re not playing in it is.. if you look at the teams who got invited… NONE OF THEM ARE IN THE TOP 5!!!!!!!! Going to this event would not put us higher in the rankings because of this… please everyone do your research before bashing my team!! This would intervene with basketball players who play varsity football also they did offer to pay 75 people.. but that’s invluding players and coaches… we don’t wanna leave anyone behind! One Team, One dream!! We have over 85 people on our active roster!! Plus more than 20 coaches!! Also Geico takes all the proceeds in the game. None of the earnings go to any school, whether they win or not! DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE RUNNING YOUR MOUTH!!! CHEEEHUUUUU 3x CHANPS BABYYY IT FEELS GOOD TO RUB IT IN YOU HATERS !!!

  7. ??? November 29, 2018 7:29 am


    Rashid Ghazi, who helped create the GEICO Bowl Series, told USA Today and confirmed with Hawaii Prep World that Saint Louis had originally agreed to play in the event.
    The package we were providing Saint Louis was all expenses paid, including flights, hotels, meals, accommodations and ground transportation for a traveling party of 75 plus a cash rights fee for the school and one for the HHSAA,” he said.

    What do you STL Academy alumni think of your
    “Greatest Coach Ever😂” now??

    Who in their right mind would deny these kids a FREE trip? They shed blood, sweat & tears all summer and yet denied a FREE trip to a high school Super Bowl!!!!!!

  8. ??? November 29, 2018 7:57 am

    FACTS: STL Academy not only knew about this game awhile ago but also originally agreed to play in it.
    FACTS: The trip, hotel, meals, ground transportation were going to be paid by GEICO, Stl & the HHSSA was also going to get money from the GEICO Bowl.
    FACTS: STL could easily postpone their Final exams cause the WHOLE state knows football comes before Education at STL. No football success means STL school shuts down.
    FACTS: 99.9% of you STL people including CAL are Satisfied with the Hawaii state title and don’t want to go mainland in the first place.

    What’s the excuse now? there will be a lot of pissed off STL parents that Supposedly are paying $15,000 dollars a year tuition when they find out this trip was FREE !!! Get ready for kids transferring out of there

  9. John November 29, 2018 8:11 am

    Three time state champs this LOU gang!!!!! If y’all ain’t beat them then shut ya trap u monkeys. Simple as that. Y’all do anything to hate on the best just cause ur team can’t compete LOL.

  10. Nala November 29, 2018 8:17 am

    Charles Amai….at least kahuku and Mililani had the balls to play the top team in nation…

  11. Izzz statue!!! November 29, 2018 8:19 am

    So if theres no top 5 schools getting invited thats right up Cal Lee Alley. He doesnt schedule top 5 teams anyways. And thats a shame if IMG comes down to Hawai’i and dont play St. Louis. The 3 time defending state champ, now is the time to start scheduling for next year… IMG, mater Dei or Bosco. Those are 3 of the top 5 teams in the nation. Stop playing with lil puppies and step up to the BIG DOGS!

  12. jusamom November 29, 2018 8:31 am

    Wow, so much haters…..I guess any reason to bash Saint Louis and this clearly gives you a reason….Listen as a parent of an Alumni who worked 2 jobs and had help from family to put my son through Saint Louis, it’s not easy….Although I think this would be a great and awesome opportunity for the boys, I as a single parent understand why they chose not to go. It’s Dec. 22nd, 3 days before Christmas and they were only paying for 75 people. Saint Louis has a roster of over 90 students. Even if only half of the students play, that’s about 40 kids plus coaches. What about the parents? Would they have to pay on their own to go? What about the other family members in the house? Does only one parent go? What if they already had plans for the holiday’s? Who are we to judge that just because a collective decision was made that Saint Louis doesn’t want to go? I think it’s a great offer and I personally would want them to go so I can also can see how they compete against mainland schools and other powerhouses and I personally would be even willing to donate to help but that’s a lot to ask for families to do for the Holiday’s. Just be happy that a team from Hawaii is nationally ranked…no matter who they are….remember we all live on an island and that’s pretty damn good.

  13. rrforlifebaby November 29, 2018 8:31 am

    Too bad, would’ve loved to see that D go up against some elite level offensive lines. But, these kids are students first, so kuddos to St Louis for that.


  14. ??? November 29, 2018 8:43 am

    You recruit all the best football players from around the state, you SHOULD be 3X state champs. Look in the mirror and see the REAL Monkey!

  15. Charles Amai November 29, 2018 8:51 am

    No doubt Nala, competition is always good.

    Those games are choices and maybe good for national ranking.

    The state games are obligations. Teams play for titles….Bottom line.

  16. Charles Amai November 29, 2018 8:53 am

    Izzz Statute

    You bloated…Too much salt….Hahahaaaa!!

  17. Charles Amai November 29, 2018 8:57 am


    It’s hilarious watching you pretend to know anything about management, hiring, or making logical decisions…..I’m calling your boss!! Haahahaaa!!

  18. ??? November 29, 2018 9:08 am

    #17 @Charles Amai

    Poor Charlie, the Truth Hurts huh.😥

  19. John November 29, 2018 9:11 am

    STL does not recruit. Ask anybody if they get free school to go to STL. They just want to play for the BEST and STL is the BEST. They dont want to play for no trash school that can’t compete. Y’all quick to yap online but in person y’all hesitate cause u know you’d get ur jaw CLAPPED by an STL guy. DIS LOU GANG LET ME KNOW THE TRIPLE CHAMPS!!!!!! EVERYBODY ELSE SLIGHT WORK

  20. John November 29, 2018 9:17 am

    @??? Put ur real name in and drop the pin we can BANG LET ME KNOW. I make u look like the real monkey when I clock ur jaw

  21. Izzz statue!!! November 29, 2018 9:21 am

    Charles Amai
    To be the Best you gotta beat the best. St.Louis proven theyve been the best in Hawai’i for the last three years. Time to test the waters and be the best in the nation. They beaten up on the oia and the two other ilh schools. Those schools want STL to have a taste their own medicine. Play against elite teams rank above STL. Last time SJB came to Hawai’i they beat STL. Time to avenge that lost, STL supposedly loaded next year…

  22. Wes T November 29, 2018 9:21 am


  23. Wes November 29, 2018 9:24 am

    @john you right. Saint Louis specializes in every position and we on anybody. Fuck mater runwfuck wesssside we bang all yessssaiii

  24. Ahcmon! November 29, 2018 9:27 am

    Let’s level field that the rest of us got! Go back to your district an play for your school, trust me you wouldn’t be Champs! You take the cream of the crop from the whole island you better be good! mainland teams they laugh at you play in one circle no real challenges step up Cal not dumb you will get smoke now you turn down the challenge you will drop in ranking its called fagin out you will drop you need to defend yourself not hide stupid excuses.

  25. Logz November 29, 2018 9:28 am

    @john YESSSAH dawg what this the real me, like bang?

  26. ILH November 29, 2018 10:08 am

    John, doing a bang up job of representing what you and your school is about.

    Good job bud.

  27. Dumb Comments November 29, 2018 10:31 am

    Some of you guys post the most idiotic comments. haha. I would love to see our boys go up and represent the 808. And come GAMETIME, 99% of you guys here would be supportive of these boys, regardless of your opinion of Cal Lee, recruiting, Kahuku, etc. It’s the same reason ALL OF YOU watch and follow what Tua, Mckenzie, Jordan, Marcus, DeForest, and all the other Hawaii boys. At the end of the day, if your not supporting our Hawai’i boys vs the mainland, then you don’t belong here.

  28. ??? November 29, 2018 10:44 am

    😂Typical Monkey “what, like bang”😂
    The only banging you do is in the Kalaepohaku showers!
    Saying Bosco & STL Academy don’t recruit shows your true football intelligence!!
    The Truth hurts!!

  29. Charles Amai November 29, 2018 11:04 am

    ??? STL is always up for competition! Your statement implies we would be competing against the teams you’ve mentioned, which is in fact not the case.

    This is an exhibition bowl game with unforeseen out of pocket expenses….Start a GoFundMe account or throw down the cash.

    Bosco, De La Salle, Bishop Gorman….Kalaepohaku is up for it.

    You still Thirsty?? Hahahahaahaaaa!!!

  30. Charles Amai November 29, 2018 11:15 am

    Izzz statue!!!

    If players are sick, injured, academic probation, get Doo Doo, etc. It’s not the opponents responsibility.

    To quote a Legendary Crusader Coach “Would’ve…..Should’ve…..Could’ve…….All Equals Being a Big Jag Off in Life…”

    You’ve got Tiny Dick Energy Bashing a 16 year Old QB who’s BALLIN!!!!! Get a grip on your life!!!

  31. Wussup November 29, 2018 12:10 pm

    St. Louis stay home… enjoy your trophy here. If you went up there and lost… You probably drop out of the rankings nationally. If you go up there and win a close one… You have lost all respect from the maxpreps. It was a possible lose-lose for them. If you won it big… Then it would have been no big deal beating up on unranked teams.

    Play it safe, stay home… I rather OIA lost to a great team and leave it at that… Bumbye these guys go and get dirty lickens up there and embarrass the state. I’m not saying that what would have happened if they went… But anybody could win any day type mentality we will never know.

  32. ??? November 29, 2018 2:16 pm

    @Charlie Amai
    You keep putting your foot in your mouth!
    On one hand you say STL Academy would play anybody and up for the competition & on the other hand you say it’s not worth playing in the Geico championship series? Blah, Blah, Blah
    Make up your mind???

  33. sparky November 29, 2018 3:02 pm

    “The package we were providing Saint Louis was all expenses paid, including flights, hotels, meals, accommodations and ground transportation for a traveling party of 75 plus a cash rights fee for the school and one for the HHSAA,” he said.

    What is the cash right fees for SLS and for HHSAA?

    Would HHSAA used their fee for travel expenses?

  34. Treepeat November 29, 2018 3:03 pm

    Lots of sad sad comments in here bashing the back to back to back state champs. This is hawaiis team we’re talking about. What part of finals week and whole team wouldn’t be able to participate don’t you understand?
    Sorry it didn’t work out for your squad. Now bow.

  35. 88 November 29, 2018 9:53 pm


  36. notes November 29, 2018 10:28 pm

    surprised educationfirst didnt imitate me yet.

    Anyway, STL is dodging, they wanna remain a big fish in a little pond and only play in hawaii. I have always said that a super team of hawaii allstars should go to the mainland to rep hawaii, STL is the closest to a hawaii allstar team cause they can recruit. what better opportunity then to accept this invite.

    IMG coming to hawaii next year and STL no like play them either?

    also stl didnt play anyone the past 3 yrs to deserve a national ranking under the top 20. i put them at 21.

  37. John November 29, 2018 11:54 pm

    @notes u sound like a lil weasel. How bout u go play stl and see what would happen to u since u like yap ur damn mouth. Stl not scared of nobody that’s fact. That’s why they smacked everybody down here and they’d smack u too. And like I said before stl doesn’t recruit, the best just want to play with the best and STL is the BEST. So shut ya damn mouth u sound like a imbecile tryna act all tap through ur hawaiiprepworld comment yet u still scared to put ur real name in cause u know stl bout that action boy yessah!!!!!! U lil rat LET ME KNOW DROP THE PIN

  38. Anwot November 30, 2018 12:52 am

    These comments are hilarious. If it mattered I would respond to all you narrow minded haters. The fact is they not going. Period! Why even consider what the reasons might be? Waste of time! What really matters is that this missed opportunity teaches the kids about the reality of life. Disappointment is inevitable. Hard choices will need to be made. Nothing is served on a silver platter. You gotta work hard and keep working hard to reach your goals despite the setbacks and obstacles. This experience will make the players not only to be resilient and strong, but also to be critical thinkers and overall good people that see the bigger picture. Btw, for those of you that think these kids are privileged, you must be mistaking them for Iolani or Punahou. The parents that send there kids to STL work hard, sometimes multiple jobs, not only to have their kids experience a stellar athletic program, but for the spiritual foundation, servant leadership experience, and the brotherhood that no other school on this island or even the state can offer. Every school has their football jocks, not every school has an entire student body that praises Father Jesus on a daily basis. Nuff said.

  39. ??? November 30, 2018 12:17 pm

    You speak the truth:
    resilient and strong, critical thinkers, kids experience a stellar athletic program, spiritual foundation, servant leadership experience, Jesus, and brotherhood.
    NOT one word mentioned about EDUCATION 😂
    “The Truth Hurts”

  40. Suspense December 1, 2018 9:20 am

    Priorities, priorities, priorities……managing priorities for students during that part of the school year.
    Saint Louis School, your decision not to accept was very prudent.

  41. St Louis...Education, not December 2, 2018 10:50 am

    I don’t know why everyone is getting mad @notes. He is only speaking the truth. St Louis is dodging all the big name schools. Everyone knows that St Louis is a football school. Nothing about St Louis says education first. So for them to claim education first, is a sorry ass excuse. Honestly, St Louis doesn’t even deserve a national ranking. Who did they beat (besides Glenn Medeiros) worth talking about? Til they grow some balls and man up, all they would be is a Open Division JPS team, yup. Give it to Mililani and Kahuku they down. Hey, St Louis check out Mililani and Kahuku, that’s where at.

  42. Debbie Garcia December 22, 2018 1:03 am

    Interesting article in regards to championship games!

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