ON THIS DATE IN 1944: Wally Yonamine leads Farrington to first football title

Wally Yonamine helped Farrington win its first ILH championship.

On this date in 1944, the Farrington Governors won their first football title.

The Governors had clinched the championship weeks earlier, but made it official with a 33-0 win over Punahou in front of 5,000 fans at Honolulu Stadium. Farrington finished the season with a perfect record.

Coaches Henry Kusunoki and Bert Itoga played their starters for only one quarter in the coronation, heading for the sideline for good after Louis Kahoonei scored from 13 yards out. Wally Yonamine‘s extra-point try was blocked but he picked up the ball and to convert it anyway.

Yonamine missed out on the scoring title because of his abbreviated chances, and was drafted the day after the graduated, but went on to become one of Hawaii’s most successful athletes.


  1. ??? November 18, 2020 6:50 pm

    1944 at Aloha Stadium? New stadium LONG overdue. Lol……….

  2. Brian Kanakuri November 19, 2020 9:22 am

    My dad was the starting tackle for the ’44 Farrington team. Nice to read articles about his playing days with Wally Yonamine and the rest of the Govenors players. Mahalo!

  3. Scotty Kaneko December 1, 2020 7:07 pm

    My Dad was Bobby Kaneko only a Jr at that game it must have been exciting for him to contribute to that game. He was a true Marron and White Gov. I’m proud of him. He also shared many stories about Wally and Harold Saito and his cousin Willie Furtado..God Bless Them..

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