McKinley to make decision on finale Monday

McKinley head coach Sam Cantiberos said the Tigers will decide Monday on whether to play their finale against Castle on Oct. 3 or not. Bruce Asato / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
McKinley head coach Sam Cantiberos said the Tigers will decide on Monday whether to play their finale against Castle on Oct. 3 or not. Bruce Asato / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

McKinley first-year football head coach Sam Cantiberos confirmed Thursday night that the school has postponed a decision to Monday on whether to play the season’s final game or not.

On Tuesday, McKinley announced it was forfeiting Saturday’s home game against Leilehua at Roosevelt’s Ticky Vasconcellos Stadium. Initial reports from the Oahu Interscholastic Association had the Tigers (0-6, 0-5 OIA Red) also forfeiting the Oct. 3 home game against Castle at Roosevelt.

But Cantiberos and athletic director Bob Morikuni said Tuesday night that the finale against the Knights was still in question, and they initially set a decision date for Wednesday. That date was switched to Thursday and has now been moved to Monday.

It’s been a hard year for the Tigers, who have lost by lopsided scores of 90-0 to Waianae, 73-14 against Mililani and 78-0 against Kahuku — all teams in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser Top 10.

McKinley’s varsity roster is down to 21 players, including two players out with injuries. Some of the players are inexperienced or have not played football before, Cantiberos said, and the Tigers administration does not want to jeopardize their safety.

Cantiberos said the Tigers players want to play the finale against Castle.


  1. hiro September 25, 2015 9:58 am

    Postponed till monday cause they waiting on grade checks to come in…..

  2. Brada joe September 25, 2015 11:06 am

    #1 by forfeiting these last games these coaches and athletic director are imposing that it’s ok to quit. Start something then quit… Way to be role models. WhAt about the athletes that want to play? Especially the ones that love to play the game? You coaches gave up not only the season it’s more than that… Also your giving up on your players, their parents, the students, the school, the community, the football program, and the McKinley alumni…

    #2 by forfeiting these last games they should erase all stats from teams that has played them because it takes away from stats that are supposed to be accumulated for them.
    We are talking about BIG statistics. Sure you get the win but it also takes away from the athletes passing, rushing, receiving, touchdown, interception, etc. etc.
    To be fair, the OIA should forfeit all stats that came from McKinley games to have a clear and level statistic playing field.

  3. Old School Dave September 25, 2015 11:44 am

    Sad when a school the size of McKinley cannot field a competitive football team. Coaches, administrators, parents need to do their part to push their players in the classroom and pass their grade checks. Success in the classroom can translate onto the field. If Kahuku can continue to field championship level teams year after year, without losing players to grades, why can’t McKinley?

  4. USA September 25, 2015 11:44 am

    @bradajoe the forfeits are bigger then you think. Dont be quick to blame coaches and staff until you know the whole story

  5. USA September 25, 2015 11:47 am

    @bradajoe dint be fast to blame the coaches and staff, unless you know the whole story.

  6. Brada joe September 25, 2015 12:06 pm

    @usa enlighten me and the rest of Hawaii.

  7. Brada joe September 25, 2015 12:39 pm

    @usa So “THE WHOLE STORY” must be on a need to know basis…
    This is not about blame… This is about character and showing by example…
    It is what it is attitude…
    If there’s more to “THE WHOLE STORY” let it out.
    The last I heard, the jv is still playing. Let’s pull up some players and get the squad
    out on that gridiron. Let the boys play.

  8. USA September 25, 2015 1:15 pm

    @bradajoe from what the word is, the football team had an overnite camp and some of the boys brought kava. A parent found out and notified the staff and those players are suspended from school. Alot of finger pinting going on overthere but sad for not just mckinley seniors but the seniors from the other schools who lost out.

  9. USA September 25, 2015 1:17 pm

    @bradajoe and it was supposed to most of the seniors involved, so if true who is really to blame?

  10. warriorsanddolphins September 25, 2015 1:36 pm

    Question. If you have 41 players on the jv and 21 on the varsity, why dont you call up about 3 or 4 players? I know Castle did this. Seems like Mckinley needs to evaluate their coaches for common sense.

  11. Brada joe September 25, 2015 1:55 pm

    @usa In some ethnic poly cultures kawa is used a lot. I don’t know much about its legality, age restrictions but I haven’t heard about it being illegal for consumption by a minor.
    I’m not condoning the use of kava but maybe the parents of these students do.
    In certain cultures Kava is used to settle differences between persons in a dispute.
    Its a Polynesian herbal drink. Like I’ve said im not condoning it but……
    It’s not meth, it’s not illegal pills, not marijuana. It’s a root.

    I still see no blame… Round up the coaching staff for a kawa session…. Let’s see if they can settle their differences.

  12. USA September 25, 2015 2:15 pm

    @bradajoe well, if the kids had to sneak it in and hide it from the coaches then they are knowingly doing somthing they were not supposed to do. But if it was on the things to bring list under snacks then whats with overreaction right?

  13. Check yoself September 25, 2015 6:36 pm

    Mililani supposedly had 15 football athletes and students caught in a bathroom smoking marijuana. And yet they still play. Hmmmmmm
    I thought your to be kicked off the team for offenses like that.

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