McKinley to forfeit last 2 football games

Kahuku defenders wrapped up McKinley quarterback Nelson Pita during the Red Raiders' 78-0 victory over the Tigers on Aug. 28. McKinley is forfeiting its final two games of the season — against Leilehua and Castle. Bruce Asato / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
Kahuku defenders wrapped up McKinley quarterback Nelson Pita during the Red Raiders’ 78-0 victory over the Tigers on Aug. 28. McKinley is forfeiting its final two games of the season — against Leilehua and Castle. Bruce Asato / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

McKinley will not win a game in 2015. That’s because the Tigers are forfeiting their final two games of the season after starting 0-6.

On Tuesday, Oahu Interscholastic Association football coordinator Harold Tanaka confirmed McKinley’s decision to end its varsity season. The JV team will continue to play. Calls to Tigers first-year head coach Sam Cantiberos and athletic director Bob Morikuni were not immediately returned.

With a sparse roster that included many underclassmen and inexperienced players, McKinley (0-5 OIA Red) endured some lopsided losses — 90-0 against Waianae, 78-0 against Kahuku, 73-14 against Mililani.

The team’s final two games, originally scheduled for Saturday and Oct. 3 at Roosevelt’s Ticky Vasconcellos Stadium, will officially go down as 2-0 losses to Leilehua and Castle.

McKinley is the second team in a week to forfeit the remainder of its schedule. OIA Division II’s Anuenue, which is down to 13 roster players, made the same decision to end its season with two games left on the schedule last Thursday.


  1. Kailuabruddah September 22, 2015 3:39 pm

    Combine um next year

  2. warriorsanddolphins September 22, 2015 3:58 pm

    If Castle can compete with fewer players than Mckinley, then why not play?………. Uh, im trying to find more excuses.

  3. SenseMaker September 22, 2015 4:42 pm

    McKinley’s last two opponents are Leilehua on 9/26 and Castle on 10/3 . ‘Anuenue’s last two opponents are @Roosevelt on 9/25 and @Waialua on 10/3. Instead of having all of those players miss a game, how about Leilehua play @Roosevelt on 9/25 and Castle play @Waialua on 10/3. Don’t make these games count for standings, but at least let the kids play.

  4. Nick Abramo September 22, 2015 4:47 pm

    SenseMaker, could be a good idea

  5. Teresa Sabido September 22, 2015 5:04 pm

    I would ask the boys to play the last two games even if they lose by a big margin, it is not the score that counts , but teaching them to never give up when the going gets tough.

  6. 88 September 22, 2015 5:07 pm

    It makes too much sense. The OIA will never go for it because they never thought it first.

  7. hiro September 22, 2015 5:49 pm

    Blame the AD…. bring back Cho!

  8. hiro September 22, 2015 5:54 pm

    Wasnt there last 2games supposed to be homecmg and senior night? Damn… wat happend to them tigers.

  9. Si'o Fiso September 22, 2015 8:10 pm

    Bob Mornikuni is a great man, and I know he needs a great guy
    Like myself to help this program. Laughing but I’m serious,
    I don’t blame the inexperience ones we have around My Alumni district. But I would say something about the coaches who are running the program, like… What is the focus here? Where is the time most spent during off season? Because I tell you what man, these young brothers sure do look really amazing in those dope looking uniforms.
    All I’m saying is, football can be lead astray when all you have are pre-Madonnas.

  10. Michele Wong September 22, 2015 8:44 pm

    as a mother of a player from Castle High School, I agree with Warriorsanddolphins… Castle’s team is very small in numbers but they still compete and they still suit up and play the game. Because they love it. Because the coaches love the sport. When the higher ups decide to forfeit the rest of the Varsity season, what does that tell those children? That in life, when it gets tough, give up… It’s not worth the time and effort to better yourself? That winning isn’t everything? That learning how to lose gracefully is just as important as winning with tactfulnes?

  11. Tiger Watcher September 22, 2015 11:02 pm

    Sorry Hiro but Cho did nothing for McKinley and Idk if it’s me or what but is Cho running the defense? I watch a lot of Mckinley football except Kaisers but seems like the same defensive scheme

  12. B.B. September 23, 2015 8:04 am

    Have any if you ever lost by 90? The kids probably rather go surf or paddle or hike; than lose by that ratio. It’s not about quiting… It’s about being more efficient with their time. As for the teams running up the score, your coaches could teach there boys a good lesson on having “class”. Make adjustments when the score gets out of hand. My soccer coaches would quietly pull a player of the field if our score got too high and we would play a man or 2 down with our 2nd and 3rd string just to keep the game interesting. Aloha

  13. B.B. September 23, 2015 8:06 am

    I don’t think that’s allowed in football but it’s just an example. And yes, you have good alternatives too. In the previous posts.

  14. hiro September 23, 2015 10:32 am

    @tigerwatcher…. are u kidding me…. wat tiger are you watching…Cho. brought mck out of the white div. Took the team to oregon and won, every year he was there he was responsible for making sure the kids got new uni’s (which cho fundraised himself), took them to the playoffs 2yr in a row, one game away from the oia title game in 2013, competed at a high level in the red div…. the guy running the defense this yr was the DL coach from cho’s era, the only coach that stayed, and trust me he knew the least about the D. When this Ad was hired he made it clear that football was not gona get all the perks they had before…. wverything cho did was for the kids, disnt ask a cent from the kids but there time. When Takamori retired Mck should of hired an alumni to replace him, not an outsider, especially fr ilh (iolani). The focus is more on Bball now.

  15. hiro September 23, 2015 10:40 am

    @tigerwatcher. .. and if u want to get into statistics, Aofaga Wily, Tyler Taumua, Amo Silva the top dog rb during cho’s yrs together only ran for 2tds and none of them broke the 100yd mark against mck D. Since he left 6starters transferred out, 1wr starting a moanalua, 2 OL starting for farrington a DL and CB starting at farrington, DL at radford starting as well and others i may not know about, so like i said…… I dont know what tiger you watching, cause its not the same one i been watching….. #bringbackCho

  16. OIA Watcher September 23, 2015 1:04 pm

    Sorry Hiro but Cho was THEE worst Coach EVER at McKinley! The best was Tanuvasa! When he coached 70-80 strong came out to play and everybody was utilized but since Cho came out he only played his favorites in the game and that’s why the numbers declined in football! You wanna know who the “Real Cho” is? Ask Mathias about the game Cho gave up on them and he’ll tell you the truth. Idk what rubbish Cho told you but he got you good lol

  17. Supasole September 23, 2015 2:55 pm

    Underclassmen? Inexperience players? Are you kidding me EXCUSES! C’mon where is YOUR TIGER PRIDE! I am NOT an alumni of this school but, Something smell’s kinda FISHY! Parent’s do not let this happen too your children…

  18. hiro September 23, 2015 3:21 pm

    @oiawatcher…… that was thee exact problem at mck… everybody is still hangin on to coach Tanuvasa’s days. Nobody gave Cho a shot, “the Tanuvasa Alumni’s” had a big influence on Mathia’s and Mathias was a big influence with his teammates. So of course player and coach will bump heads, Mathias was one of the best to come out of mck, but if he just gave into the D and gave it a shot the outcome would have been way different. The team was split, half would listen to #44 the other half would follow the playcall. But of course when s#*t hits the fan the coach becomes the black sheep…. Coach Tanuvasa was awesome at mck, but when he left to get ahead in his career it was like the entire community left with him and forgot about tiger pride. Cho did not give up on the team, the system he ran was unfamilier with mck parents and alumni so its one against the other drom day one. Parents couldnt get to Cho, but they got to their kids and it showed, there was always a threat of certain “star” players transferri g out but Cho did what he had to do to keep the team and pride together. My nephew played for Cho, be told the team once, if any of your parents have any input to what he’s doing, they are more then welco.e to come out and coach, because thats the only opinions i will consider. Is my coaches…. somthong to that effect. To sides to the Cho era, #44 was awsome but its was obvious plays werent ran when called…. Cho was underrated and not given a chance from day one…

  19. OIA Watcher September 23, 2015 3:34 pm

    Wait so are you Coaching Hiro??

  20. 88 September 23, 2015 4:03 pm

    Wow, and i thought Kahuku had drama

  21. hiro September 23, 2015 4:11 pm

    @oiawatcher….. no, but when the head coaching job was open at mvk i knew alot of good guys who put in for the job (mostly alumni’s) and was surprised at who was hired….. what the current AD didnt like was that Cho did things his way, and so would have alot of the other applicants if hired. What ever it did to help bring the prigram back, but thats not how the AD wants it. Nothing against the current coaches but in my opinion he hired a yes man, someone who will play by his rules. I blame mck admin for not an AD in house. Look at my Farrington, their coaches, staff, AD etc all been in the school 20+ yrs, so they keep the tradition going. After Skippa left kids stayed, parents supported no matter who the coach was, cause the school kept everyone in. Whoever was next in line would take over, Mck should have gollow the same suit instead of bringing in from the ilh…. nothing wrong with ilh btw, but they wouldnt know the dynamics of a public school unless your home grown.

  22. J.C. September 23, 2015 6:24 pm

    @Hiro…may I ask you where Coach Cho is now?? Also there was a panel created by Tigers Athletic Dept. for the hiring of the current coach contrary to the belief that AD Morikuni was solely responsible for the hiring. You speak of loyalty to the program, the kids, & to the Alma Mater…which brought Cho back to Hawaii from Oregon however when given a choice Coach Cho chose to leave. Also last season, Cho’s final season….Tigers I believe was 1-8. I’m not bashing Coach Cho but what is currently occurring at MHS is partially if not a direct result of what occurred in the past. However when Coach Grey came in, there was considerable talent from the previous regime (Tilton, Sione , & the entire back 7 returned) and when Cho took over there was experienced varsity returnees including Ironside and Thias….however even if Pratt & Kini etc stayed….Cantiberos’ returnees from Cho’s regime (and a 1-8 season) was quite baron.

  23. hiro September 23, 2015 7:27 pm

    @J.C…. Last I heard Cho is coaching the girls basketball at Kamehameha. Yes your right about Cho being asked to come and coach Mck, but that was more of Takamori’s doing. When Takamori retired alot of changes occurred, especially to the football program. Cho wasnt given a chance with the parents, kids etc…..

  24. J.C. September 23, 2015 8:29 pm

    Exactly Hiro….he’s gone and that was his choice when as HC of Tigers football he applied and accepted the position of HC at Kam girls basketball. He’s was given a choice to continue as Tigers Football HC or resign & go over to Kam. It also must be said that Coach Cho took the Kam job before resigning the Tigers job…I don’t know if it was his intention to attempt to do both. There was pervasive rumors already that when Thias and that senior class graduated, Cho was planning on leaving MHS and that senior group of Kui, Walker, Johanan, Tony, Jay, Randy and others all came from Gray’s tenure through his JV. Last year’s group and this year is directly from Cho’s tenure and development through his JV regime of his one staff theory & you can judge the development and progress. AD Takamori was a hands on guy especially with the football program more than anything…after all he was a player, HC, and AD….Tigers football was his baby so obviously when he retired the new AD didn’t oversee football as Takamori did. But to say that Cho wasn’t given a chance with the kids and the athletic dept. (I’m not going to speak for the parents) isn’t fair. The elite OIA programs are able to sustain because they are sound from the bottom up and the kids from the JV program learn fundamentals, the game of football (rules, techniques, schemes), and how to win or competition but when you neglect that and aren’t able to funnel up kids to replace graduating players, then you get what is occurring at MHS.

  25. Cece September 23, 2015 11:48 pm

    This is so sad!!! Rather win or lose McKinley Tigers still should play it is about the kids enjoying the sport and also for the seniors this is there last year and they should have forfeited all there games if this was the case!!! Coaches you guys decision is not right!!! They really need to uplift the athletic department in McKinley because it is not the kids coaches were hired to teach the sport and make a difference but to forfeit both last games this is not fair at all for both teams!!!! I am upset because win or lose it is about teaching these kids not to give up and discipline within there beliefs!!! C’mon for homecoming this hurts my heart!!!! Get it together coaches and its staff!!!

  26. hiro September 24, 2015 7:34 am

    @J.C……. you sound like a your in the know at Mck…… Cho’s decision was financial and carrer advancement just like Tanuvasa’s. Cho was also a Teacher at school and when he was told he won’t be teaching the next year which would be the new AD’s first full year, Cho went job searching. So yea, he was planning on doing both, coach at both schools….. but Kam offerd a better deal and thats that…. so the rumor you talking about is true, #44 sr yr was The new AD’s 1st yr and when changes started to occur.

  27. hiro September 24, 2015 7:41 am

    @J.C….. you talking about the Grey regime? I really hate bashing coaches but Bobby Grey was an ulcer in the McKinley program. Grey did well his first season because he was playing off of Tanuvasa’s dynasty but once Grey took complete control of the program we spiraled south. At rock bottom, McKinley was less than a handful of players away for forfeit….. Cho’s started at mck #44 9th grade yr, he was only 1yr younger then kui, walker etc…. so Cho actually had them a yr in jv also….

  28. hiro September 24, 2015 8:22 am

    @J.C…… the developmental from the jv? HA, like i said, people dont like changes. What does Farrington, Kahuku, Mililani, Campbell/Kapolei have in common? They all have successfull Big Boy programs (Jr. Prep Sports)…… those big boy teams mimic their high school colors, playbook and also have the backing of the high school coaches….. thats exactly what Cho started, he wanted to start the kids from middle school and build a sense of pride for mckinley so he created the Metro Tigers since their in the Metropolitan area. Practice at the school, host games there and also have the team colors. But of course that didnt get shut down but it was moved to ala moana park, by who??? “Changes” somthing that is hard to except here. Cho came back with the formula that helped him be successful in Oregon but he was never given a shot cause of his outside the comfort zone thinkng…..

  29. BraddahBo September 24, 2015 10:00 am

    This is a shame, I don’t feel as if Cantiberos was the right HC choice for McK. There’s too much bashing of Cho here but let’s look at the facts. Tanuvasa was an immensely great coach. After he resigned, the program did go down under. Cho comes in and brings the program back to being respectable. The main undermining issue that plagues Cho during his tenure was the lack of cooperation from the parents and vice versa. I don’t know why people fail to give Cho his credit. His W-L column broke even until 2014 when he resigned. Making that jump from being an average team in Div 2 to being a competitive team in Div1 is no easy feat. Cho’s defense with a team that literally was 30 – 40 players strong was able to go in and compete with the Kahukus and the Farringtons (back to back I might add). We’re talking about perennially undersized talent with the obvious exception of a few and an extremely, extremely porous offense. Just because you don’t like him. Cho deserves the credit. If you still want to argue about if Cho deserves credit or not, go ask Reggie Torres if he deserves any credit after that time when he and the Tigers marched into Laie in ’12 and effectively gave Aofaga Wily one of his worst statistical games that season with a crew of 11 that played both ways and on special teams. Let’s stop arguing about Cho, and let’s start looking at what this school and their administration can do for this football team.

  30. J.C. September 24, 2015 1:23 pm

    Guys…all the Coaches past and present have done good & bad….it’s all part of Coaching. And Hiro….i totally agree with you on the Big Boys League issue and that Coach Cho worked to establish the Metro Tigers….however his tenure didn’t allow him to see it through. Plus it’s a league team that at time conflicts with HS football and with all league teams although they carry the Tigers name….the kids not necessarily end up being funneled into the program. @Braddah Bo…love the comments and I’m not taking away from anything that Coach Cho’s record show but if you are giving credit to Cho stopping Afoaga….then I HATE TO SAY IT BECAUSE I WAS THERE FOR THE GAME AND KNOW WHO REALLY GAME PLANNED THE WEEK LEADING UP TO THE GAME but Bobby defeated Coach Torres’ Kahuku team and we were up 2 TD’s at Mililani 2 weeks later with the OIA EAST Title & a Playoff 1st Rd bye in reach in 3Q but well Bobby is Bobby and he just didn’t listen bout playing our stud players both ways and by the 4Q we were gassed. But I’m in total agreement Bo….the past is the past….unless you are named Cal Lee….it’s very rare for a former HC to come back at that same school in the same capacity. The current HC and AD are not going anywhere…so the alumnus needs to support the kids and program. As Hiro said…if he believes that Coach Cho wasn’t given a fair shake….look what’s being said about Coach Cantiberos and this is his first year and he hasn’t been able to implement anything (if we are all in agreement that the OIA did an injustice in not re-structuring the OIA RED & White divisions and leaving a 1-8 2014 team with even less returnees in the RED Division and with a schedule that included then #1 trojans, #3 Red Raiders, and #6 Waianae and previously ranked Kaiser in the front end of their schedule).

  31. J.C. September 24, 2015 1:42 pm

    Oh…sorry I didn’t clarify bout that Game @ Mililani 2 weeks after the Red Raiders. It wasn’t against the Trojans but was a OC-16 game vs. the Govs for the OIA East Title and eventual #1 East Playoff Seed. It was huge because the #1 seed got a automatic jump into the quarterfinals and we ended #3 with a first rd. game vs. Mules. Also Hiro….i hope when you mean Tanuvasa dynasty… putting Moeava as his fait accompli as he was a disciple and chosen successor. But Grey really inherited kids that was a direct result of the staff Moeava had and many ended up on Bobby staff (including Moeava later 3 yrs later) and I agree and mentioned that is the problem at MHS…Grey ended up neglecting the JV (Coach Tony being installed as the JV HC was tragic) and by the end he just didn’t have fundamentally sound kids on the varsity….the same can be said of Coach Cho….Hiro, Thias and those Wela Boys & a group of other kids in the program really didn’t play any Big Boys football… how do you think they eventually evolved into players that were so beneficial to Coach Cho’s program? Remember Coach Cho didn’t implement the Metro Tigers until Thias’ Jr season and before then….Coach Cho really didn’t do anything in the off-season due to the hands off rule.

  32. hiro September 24, 2015 6:01 pm

    @J.C….. good points, but Thias did play big boys….. Kalihi Gladiators…….. and his uncle trained him very well in between seasons all the way till Thias graduated.

  33. hiro September 24, 2015 6:07 pm

    @J.C….. as for that kahuku game, i think @Bo was taking about the 2012 season, game was played at kahuku (kahuku’s homecoming). Grey was apart of the offense under Pohai Lee who was the OC during Cho’s last 2 seasons….. Grey had no part of Cho’s defense.

  34. 88 September 24, 2015 8:05 pm

    Yeah the Tigers walked into Laie and gave up 130 yards and 1 td to Wily and 120 yards and 2 TD to Kahuku’s full back. 35 to 6 was the final. Thats what you guys consider great defense? No wonder the Tigers are terrible.

  35. J.C. September 24, 2015 9:54 pm

    Yes…i understand what Bo was saying bout the 2012 season and giving credit to Cho but I’m also saying that you would then have to give Bobby Grey credit for defeating Kahuku in 2006 14-13 at Tiki (then #2 ranked Kahuku)…which was Bobby’s first season at the helm & wouldn’t it speak volumes on the win rather than losing 35-6? Because as you previously mentioned…Grey was an ulcer but you have to give him his just due (tigers did go to the red division playoffs in 2006 as the #3 overall East seed) & team wise I think that was a better team than Thias’ senior season but that’s just my opinion. I also believe that team held Crusaders to 6-0 thru 3Q in the pre-season opener @ Kaiser eventually losing 20-7. I’m not the biggest fan of Bobby but he did do positive things but he lost a lot of good coaches that was with him from the start. He still is a very good position coach & I think with the right players he would be a good OC. Hmmm…well Thias was a community kid & I’m guessing he had many uncles….I didn’t remember him playing for the Gladiators but I do remember hearing about him running up & down some stairs w/ 30lbs weighted gear and I heard he was training since his intermediate days with some family friends through his years at McKinley. You might want to ask the Tuitele’s who was really responsible for training Thias and producing some of the players that directly benefited Cho because I don’t ever remember a kid jumping straight to Varsity as a freshman at MHS and as you said….Coach Cho arrived at MHS at the same time as Thias’ 9th grade season!! But is any of this past history really helping with what is presently happening at McKinley????

  36. Billy Da Warrior September 25, 2015 12:57 pm

    Praise Cho doing great but the reality is he lost to Anuenue with a great roster. And from what I heard of that game and he went in cocky and unprepared, which seems to be to be his modus operandi. Let’s remember he had a stacked team when he made strides in the Red division and none of it had to do with him and more with what he was working with (the players). He could have ran any defense and he would have had the same result. However, Kudos to him for creating a big boys league (if he did that by himself?) and taking the team to Oregon but really he didn’t do much to bring pride or a sense of winning to the community. The truth is the mass exodus of players you noted happened during and because of Cho’s tenure. He is not a good coach! He is not a good coach and all did is inherit a good group of kids. So please don’t twist facts to suit your argument cause the guy did nothing for the kids (get kids to the next level, keep kids eligible, etc.) or the school.

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