McKinley hires Silva as head football coach

McKinley has its new football coach.
McKinley has its new football coach.

McKinley has a new football coach, and the Tigers did not have to think out of the box to get him.

Pat Silva is a veteran coach and a McKinley alum and will be in charge of trying to turn around the team’s fortunes, according to Tigers athletic director Bob Morikuni.

Silva was the head coach at Roosevelt from 2009 through 2011, where he went 6-26. He was also the head coach at Castle in 1995 and 1996, going 15-6-1 before making way for Nelson Maeda.

“This will be my third and final stop (as a head coach),” said Silva, who quarterbacked the Tigers before graduating in 1975.

“Looking back at those years, it was always my interest to come back and coach at McKinley and lead the football program. That was 44 years ago when I first put on the pads for McKinley and to think that now I’m heading the program.”

Silva plans to meet with his seniors-to-be on Feb. 1.

“Your senior class becomes the leaders for your program,” he said. “They’re the ones who are gonna set the examples. And there’s three things that we will be teaching. One, work hard, and if you work hard good things will happen. Two, no two people are the same, so be the best you can be. The third is making the right decisions. If the senior class does those three things, we stand a really good chance of being successful and that will become the norm for every senior class.”

Silva was the OIA East Player of the Year as a quarterback his junior year and first team as a defensive back his senior year. As a junior, the Tigers won the OIA East and lost to Waianae 13-6 in the OIA title game. Waianae went on to play Saint Louis in the first Prep Bowl. The Crusaders won that one, 6-0, in 1973.

“I can share it with the kids that anything is possible,” Silva said. “The tradition at McKinley is second to none when you look back at history, so they can be proud representing McKinley and what comes with it.

“One of the biggest challenges at McKinley has been getting numbers. I need to convince our guys to get out there and not only be role models, but sponsor others or talk to them and encourage them to come on board. There’s only one way to go and that’s up, and I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

Said Morikini: “We’re happy to have Pat back coaching. We’re heading up in the right direction. Sam (Cantiberos, who stepped down after two seasons) did a good job trying to take us there. Pat will continue to take the program forward.”

The Tigers went 0-16 in Cantiberos’ two seasons, the first in D-I and the second in D-II.

McKinley will be using a brand-new on-campus practice field that eventually, if funding comes through, may become a home stadium.


  1. Education First January 20, 2017 11:00 am

    Good Man!

  2. Sal Olds January 20, 2017 11:23 am


  3. Sal Olds January 20, 2017 11:26 am

    Congratulations Pat, the program is lucky to have you on board.

  4. Alumnae January 20, 2017 3:51 pm

    Good Luck Pat!

    You are going to need all that you have and more to bring this program back to its prideful traditions. And I’m not talking about the win/lost column as that will come. Hope that you will be transparent in your philosophical values/plans to support these young men and the community will have a reason to support. There is no pointing backwards but only to yourself and forward. The journey is worth it. Again, Best of Everything!

  5. grabum.bythe.puppy.gate January 20, 2017 4:40 pm

    john hao at castle, this coach and many other coaches are aware and speaking out. Keep the kids home to play in their districts. Too bad st.louis and punahou have money and will always take the best athletes out of the communities to stack their ilh teams.

    there was an article the other day in the boise st paper about kaniho commiting to boise. they said kahuku is a public school unlike the manufactured corporate private schools like gorman, punahou and stlouis

  6. Jeezy33 January 20, 2017 6:21 pm

    “there was an article the other day in the boise st paper about kaniho commiting to boise. they said kahuku is a public school unlike the manufactured corporate private schools like gorman, punahou and stlouis”

    the article only calls gorman a “corporate manufactured football program.” it says nothing about punahou and st louis (you’re just making that up). And it doesn’t call the school “manufactured and corporate.”

    stop hating. you end up looking stupid.

  7. Mahatma Gandhi January 20, 2017 9:01 pm

    First off, it’s Athletic Director Bob Morikuni, not Bob Morikini. Secondly, it was Waianae who beat St Louis 6-0 in the first Prep Bowl game, played at the old Honolulu Stadium in Moili’ili. Vince dos Passos was the starting QB for St Louis in that first Prep Bowl game. McKinley did used to be a OIA power back when Ed Watanabe was the coach in the 1960s, early 70s. But then St Louis started raiding the McKinley school district for players in the early 1980s. Mainly Mayor Wright housing where they recruited numerous Samoans. The Ma’afala brothers, Salavea brothers. Punahou then had to recruit too if they wanted a competitive football program.

  8. grabum.bythe.puppy.gate January 20, 2017 9:15 pm

    you tell um ghandi, stlouis been manufactured since the 80’s only stupid people like jeezy are unaware, he probably still believe in santa clause

  9. Mike January 20, 2017 10:53 pm

    Nothing wrong with ILH teams recruiting from the OIA schools!!! Why would you say no?? All the ILH schools provide a way better education for the player.

  10. ??? January 21, 2017 7:02 am

    The only way the ILH recruiting will stop is if they no longer allow scholarships and parents had to pay outright for private schools. The ILH dominance would be screwed…….

  11. ??? January 21, 2017 7:09 am

    Football teams will always chase talent like Isaac Slade Matautia who went to Iolani, St Elizabeth, Kaiser, Bishop Gorman & St Louis. Facts of HS football life.

  12. Pun Alum 95 January 21, 2017 12:35 pm

    Hi guys, I cannot speak for other ILH Schools. But Punahou School does not offer athletic scholarships of any kind. Can you guys please tell the truth instead of guessing or assuming?

    This is information directly from my relative who works in this department and can be found on the Punahou website. It talks about the financial aid office at Punahou.

    Punahou School no longer has the Trustee Scholar Program because all students are eligible for the same benefits. As of this 2016-2017, all students (no matter how much aid they get) can apply for summer school tuition aid.

    There are no other scholarships. It’s all based on need.

    There are two exceptions to need based aid that are for Punahou students but not called financial aid.

    One is the Baker Scholarship that is for students whose parents are physicians and Tripler or active duty Air Force. It’s approximately $500-$800 and not based on need. The second one is called the Martin Scholarship. This is for current students in grades 10-12 with a 3.5 GPA or higher. Even if you have this GPA, you still need to be selected. And the preference is given to someone with Portuguese ancestry because the family specified that.

    Anyone who thinks this is made up can email the financial aid department at

    So please, can we stop with the athletic scholarships given out at Punahou. They do not exist. And as for recruiting, Punahou does not need to recruit. The school and reputation does that for itself.

    Thank you.

  13. 88 January 21, 2017 9:37 pm

    Pun 95 come to Laie park during Football season and educate yourself about recruiting and the financial assistance that Punahou offers athletes. I for one support it because it opens more doors for our kids. These other guys complaining about the recruiting don’t like it because it probably affects their bragging rights at work.

  14. Jay Chaviera January 22, 2017 11:48 am

    @Pun alum95.
    LMAO like 88 said, go Laie park.

  15. Pun Alum 95 January 22, 2017 10:07 pm

    88, financial assistance is awarded based on need and has nothing to do with athletics. A child who can play football has the same chance of getting money as a musician or a student who does not participate in any extra-curricular activities.

    It’s very simple. You turn in the appropriate paperwork so the firm that Punahou uses can check a family’s income and worth.

    But like I listed, those are the only scholarships Punahou offers.

    I cannot speak of gifts coming from alumni or boosters. I am solely speaking of what Punahou the School offer via financial aid and scholarships.

  16. Pun Alum 95 January 22, 2017 10:25 pm

    88 January 21, 2017 at 9:37 pm
    Pun 95 come to Laie park during Football season and educate yourself about recruiting and the financial assistance that Punahou offers athletes. I for one support it because it opens more doors for our kids. These other guys complaining about the recruiting don’t like it because it probably affects their bragging rights at work.

    Sir, I am quite well informed about the financial aid application and process that families can apply for. Anyone can call the Punahou financial aid department and they will find out what I said it quite accurate.

    Many families receive financial assistance based on need then they tell people their child is on an athletic scholarship. Like I mentioned, there is no such thing.

    Here is their information to authenticate what I have been saying: or call 808.943.3627 between the hours of M – F, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

    Here are some excerpts:

    Who determines “need” for financial aid?
    Punahou uses School and Student Services (SSS) by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) to calculate your financial need, then the Financial Aid Committee may make adjustments based on the documents and information that you have submitted to us.

    Does the Financial Aid Office award scholarships?
    All financial aid awards are need-based and are not based on academic achievement, talent (musical, drama, dance, or athletics), or leadership.

    Do I reapply for aid each year?
    Aid is granted for a period of one year, based on current information; changes in a family’s financial situation may change the amount awarded from year to year

    If we don’t qualify for aid, what other options do we have? Are there scholarships that do not require demonstrated financial need?

    Nearly all financial aid at Punahou is need-based.
    There are two exceptions:

    The Dolores Furtado Martin Scholarship is available to current students in grades 10 – 12, with preference to students of Portuguese ancestry. This scholarship is based on academic achievement. Application is available in April.

    The Wilbur James Baker Scholarship is offered to children of active duty Air Force personnel or physicians practicing at Tripler Medical Center. Call the Financial Aid Office to request an application in April.

    Punahou does not offer any other kind of scholarship.

    Sir, this is straight from the Punahou website an it was authenticated by my friend high up in the department. Maybe coaches are out there watching. And maybe they might even put in a good word that can help with admissions. And I am guessing that many of them are in heavy need of financial assistance. And I wouldn’t be surprised if some families exaggerate to say Punahou offered their child or their child is on an athletic scholarship.

    But as proven by the evidence provided (website address, information from website, and contact info for the financial aid department), athletic scholarships do not exist at Punahou.

    If they do exist, can someone please tell me the name of the athletic scholarship so some talents kids that I know can apply for them? And when I call financial aid to inquire, may I use your real name sir as the person who directed me to this athletic scholarship you are discussing?


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