Lt. Gov. Josh Green likes what he sees with ongoing vaccinations and the potential to open on a larger scale by May 1 — three months from today.
Speaking with Yunji de Nies and Ryan Kalei Tsuji on the Star-Advertiser’s Spotlight Hawaii LIVE (Facebook) Monday morning, Green is optimistic about the effectiveness of vaccinations.
“Once we get through the 1b (category) and the majority of 1c, we should open high school sports,” he said. “My feeling is as we finish 1b, we’ll be fine. After we vaccinate the 65- to 74-year-olds, we’ll be safe as a society.”
The lieutenant governor spoke at length about his outlook, as well as a visitors plan.
“We will vaccinate 1b and a majority of 1c. That will be left with people only of minor risk. When we get through the vaccinations, it will be (mostly) 20- and 30-year-olds getting sick, and they will quarantine. They have very little risk of getting severely ill,” Green said.
“If the extra protection plan I proposed goes through, visitors will be immunized before (arrival). We should really think of doing large events smart with masks and not huddled together like sardines. We will be safe then as a society.”
Green noted that the state is on track to vaccinate approximately 400,000 people per month.
“With over half our community vaccinated, we’ll have herd immunity. When we get through these categories by May 1, society will be safe. Major events like weddings, but not giant (crowds) at football games, but sports should be considered,” he said. “Overall, we can get out of this COVID crisis in the summer time if we’re patient. We’re going to come through better than any other state, knock on wood.”
May 1? I guess that means there will NOT be any high school sports for the 2020-21 school year. Schools finish the year in May, right? Does the Lt. Gov. really think they can do a whole season for a whole bunch of sports in one month? I don’t think so.
The more proper and helpful statement would be to say that student-athletes (especially the seniors) should make other plans for the remainder of this school year but the returning students can start preparing for 2021-22 by this summer.
Seniors should be allowed a fifth year option to play sports and gather film next school year if they want. They all lost one season of sports and memories, possibly two! This year has been totally lost and none of the leaders who make the decisions stepped up. Mahalo to Andria Tupola and Chad Owens to force some action on their part, but it still seems unlikely for sports to resume this year. I have a plan:
1) Students are allowed to play sports for a fifth year, granted they do not turn 20 years old during the school year 2021-22.
2) In school, fifth years are required to take dual credit classes, which gives them college credits as they transition, like a prep school would do.
Exactly! Basically teams can start training this summer but there is no season. See you all in September!
I dont know why these people are still in hope of having a football season this year lol. Its a done deal. It aint happening. Too much liability. The above statement tells you right there. No season. So stop giving these kids hope that there is goin to be a season this year. It aint happening. Chad , thank you for trying to help these kids play, especially for the seniors. But lets stop giving these kids hope that there is going to be a football season. It aint happening. Juniors and underclassmen , keep training , football will be here next season along with other sports. Time to rebound.
Green walks like a duck!
You can tell how some of our local politicians, our decision makers, are really in step with what happens in the real life of a high school athlete in Hawaii. The LG says he is optimistic that high school sports can open up on 5/1/21. So if you factor in the preseason training and scrimmages to get ready to fully compete without injuring the student athlete takes us to the ending of May 2021. So basically your first game of the season will start as the school year ends. The high school season can play his first game of the season and graduate on the same day. This guy is a genius.
So even though the students have completed the requirements to graduate with a HS diploma, you want to give them an additional year to be able to play sports??
@no make sense
In other words, what hes really trying to say is that there will be no season lol. Its basically telling us as of may 1st , preparation for the upcoming sports year can start happening. Sad for seniors, but its time to face reality and stop giving these kids hope that there will be a season this year. Lets all just start prepping for next season. This is reality facts.