Latest MaxPreps ranks for all 45 Hawaii FB teams

Campbell made the biggest move among Hawaii teams up the MaxPreps national rankings between Aug. 14 and Sept. 27. Kapolei also made a big move and is ranked No. 4 in the state and No. 480 in the nation. In photo, Campbell quarterback Kawika Ulufale tried to escape the rush of Kapolei's Myron Tagovailoa-Amosa in an Aug. 5 game. Bruce Asato / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
Campbell made the biggest move among Hawaii teams up the MaxPreps national rankings between Aug. 14 and Sept. 27. Kapolei also made a big move and is ranked No. 4 in the state and No. 480 in the nation. In photo, Campbell quarterback Kawika Ulufale tried to escape the rush of Kapolei’s Myron Tagovailoa-Amosa in an Aug. 5 game. Bruce Asato / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

The top three football teams in Hawaii, according to CBS MaxPreps, are virtually in the same spot in the new Sept. 27 rankings as they were on Aug. 14.

Saint Louis remains the No. 1 team in Hawaii, according to the organization’s national computer rankings, and the Crusaders (5-0) are No. 39 nationally, followed by defending Division I state champion Kahuku (No. 76) and Punahou (No. 126).

Kapolei made a big move, all the way up five spots to No. 4 in the state and to No. 480 in the nation.

Max-Preps ranks 16,105 teams in the country.

Campbell and Leilehua were the biggest upward movers in both state and national rank. Radford, Pac-Five and Roosevelt were the biggest downward movers.

2016 CBS MaxPreps national computer rankings as of Sept. 27
(Change in rank from Aug. 14 in parentheses)
>> 1. Saint Louis (5-0), No. 39 …. (-3 national and no change state)
>> 2. Kahuku (6-1), No. 76 …. (-8 national and no change state)
>> 3. Punahou (4-1), No. 126 …. (+45 national and no change state)
>> 4. Kapolei (6-1), No. 480 …. (+1,075 national and +5 state)
>> 5. Waianae (6-2), No. 900 …. (-592 national and -1 state)
>> 6. Kamehameha (2-4), No. 1,152 …. (-339 national and -1 state)
>> 7. Farrington (5-2), No. 1,282 …. (+34 national and no change state)
>> 8. Campbell (4-3), No. 1,991 …. (+4,540 national and +17 state)
>> 9. ‘Iolani (3-4), No. 2,024 …. (-635 national and -1 state)
>> 10. Leilehua (3-4), No. 2,169 …. (+4,182 national and +14 state)
>> 11. Mililani (4-2), No. 2,268 …. (-1,376 national and -5 state)
>> 12. Kapaa (6-0), No. 2,556 …. (+299 national and -2 state)
>> 13. Hilo (4-1), No. 3,051 …. (+989 national and +2 state)
>> 14. Kailua (3-3), No. 3,109 …. (+212 national and -3 state)
>> 15. Moanalua (3-4), No. 3,166 …. (+483 national and -1 state)
>> 16. Konawaena (4-1), No. 3,993 …. (-433 national and -4 state)
>> 17. Baldwin (4-2), No. 4,076 …. (-463 national and -4 state)
>> 18. Damien (4-2), No. 4,119 …. (+1,202 national and +1 state)
>> 19. Aiea (3-4), No. 4,305 …. (+1,224 national and +2 state)
>> 20. St. Francis (3-2), No. 4,745 …. (-156 national and -4 state)
>> 21. Lahainaluna (4-3), No. 5,432 …. (+68 national and -1 state)
>> 22. Castle (3-4), No. 6,247 …. (-1,348 national and -5 state)
>> 23. Waimea (2-3), No. 6,858 …. (-51 national and +3 state)
>> 24. Pearl City (4-1), No. 6,880 …. (+2,475 national and +9 state)
>> 25. Maui (3-4), No. 6,898 …. (+2,820 national and +9 state)
>> 26. Kamehameha-Hawaii (5-1), No. 7,025 …. (-973 national and -3 state)
>> 27. Waipahu (5-1), No. 7,210 …. (+277 national and +1 state)
>> 28. Pac-Five (2-2), No. 7,306 …. (-1,991 national and -10 state)
>> 29. Kaiser (2-5), No. 7,565 …. (-457 national and -2 state)
>> 30. Kealakehe (1-4), No. 9,101 …. (-1,549 national and -1 state)
>> 31. Nanakuli (0-7), No. 9,150 …. (+902 national and +6 state)
>> 32. Kaimuki (4-2), No. 9,178 …. (-1,489 national and -2 state)
>> 33. Waialua (3-2), No. 9,317 …. (+1,391 national and +5 state)
>> 34. Kalani (2-2), No. 9,456 …. (+512 national and +2 state)
>> 35. Kauai (0-5), No. 9,728 …. (-718 national and -3 state)
>> 36. Kamehameha-Maui (2-4), No. 9,859 …. (-1,142 national and -5 state)
>> 37. Honokaa (2-3), No. 10,382 …. (+1,302 national and +3 state)
>> 38. Radford (0-7), No. 11,143 …. (-5,355 national and -16 state)
>> 39. Keaau (2-2), No. 11,475 …. (+1,718 national and +6 state)
>> 40. Waiakea (2-5), No. 11,576 …. (+803 national and +2 state)
>> 41. Roosevelt (2-6), No. 11,789 …. (-1,994 national and -6 state)
>> 42. Hawaii Prep (0-5), No. 12,921 …. (-1,784 national and -3 state)
>> 43. Kalaheo (1-6), No. 13,003 …. (-672 national and -2 state)
>> 44. King Kekaulike (0-5), No. 13,264 …. (-839 national and -1 state)
>> 45. McKinley (0-5), No. 13,935 …. (-1098 national and -1 state)


  1. al September 28, 2016 5:46 pm

    “Saint Louis remains the No. 1 team in Hawaii, according to the organization’s national computer rankings, and the Crusaders (5-0) are No. 39 nationally, followed by defending Division I state champion Kahuku (No. 76) and Punahou (No. 126).”

    Butthurt Kahuku fans will start whining about this in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

  2. Alpha September 28, 2016 6:15 pm

    @al. . . Dude just have it already lol, you try so hard to prove the ilh supremacy in football. If the computers say stl is no.1 then I agree. On paper and the national computer ranking stl is the team to beat. They were this good last year as well. I hope stl wins because Tua deserves this, all these years he put that football team on his back this will be a great way to end his career. And Kahuku fans shouldn’t be butthurt just proud of your teams success. There is literally nothing your school has to prove on the field, just get them boys to hit the books. So there’s nothing to be (using al’s phrase that was so proudly asserted) butthurt about.

  3. Hau’ulaBoy September 28, 2016 6:33 pm

    On paper St. Louis is the team to beat. That I agree with. But the eyes dont lie. We will see at the end of the year how this all will shake out. Will it be another RED November? Or will Tua finally win a championship? Or will somebody else show up at the party? Cant wait to see. RR4L!!!

  4. Helflyer September 28, 2016 6:59 pm

    Stats don’t lie…Crusaders are the team to beat!

  5. TopDoggs September 28, 2016 7:04 pm

    If parents were really invested in their child’s future they would seek out the nearest private school and do all they could to allow their child to attend.
    St. Louis/Punahou/Kamehameha/Iolani are the epidome of Hawaii High schools with the best combination of athletics & academics. With the new State tourney format the ILH will control the post season and continue to provide an avenue of higher education for the young men/women of Hawaii and send them off as Champions on the field as well as Champions in life.

  6. al September 28, 2016 8:35 pm

    alpha “@al. . . Dude just have it already lol, you try so hard to prove the ilh supremacy in football. If the computers say stl is no.1 then I agree.”

    When did I try to prove ILH supremacy? As in “ILH is better than every OIA team?” I already said in another post that top to bottom, ILH is a better league (this is obvious) but that the top teams in the OIA can and do compete regularly, with Kahuku bearing the flag in that regard, which is why I’d like to see an OIA/ILH merger.

    “So there’s nothing to be (using al’s phrase that was so proudly asserted) butthurt about.”

    On the contrary, many Kahuku fans here DO get butthurt over these polls. I was mainly doing tongue in cheek about how over the top Kahuku fans get here.

  7. 808 RR4L September 28, 2016 8:42 pm




  8. Alpha September 28, 2016 8:57 pm

    TopDoggs September 28, 2016 at 7:04 pm
    If parents were really invested in their child’s future they would seek out the nearest private school and do all they could to allow their child to attend.
    St. Louis/Punahou/Kamehameha/Iolani are the epidome of Hawaii High schools with the best combination of athletics & academics. With the new State tourney format the ILH will control the post season and continue to provide an avenue of higher education for the young men/women of Hawaii and send them off as Champions on the field as well as Champions in life.

    2 things I wana say towards your comment. . .
    1) The ILH controls the post season it’ll be Hella boring because STL already is pounding on Punahou. HHSAA will not make anywhere near the amount of money due to the lack of hype surrounding Punahou/STL pt3, Stadium ticket sells will decline and so will pay per view. Don’t get me wrong, theres gonna be more fans then the normal regular season attendance but nowhere near the crowd an oia/ilh state finals can pull (especially when Kahuku’s involved).

    2) Hawaii, as a Polynesian island should be proud of their ILH schools and it’s accomplishments. And when you say “If parents were really invested in their child’s future they would seek out the nearest private school and do all they could to allow their child to attend.” That would be nice but majority of the parents don’t have a child, they have children. Just because your parents paid for you to become a self-proclaimed Champion in Life doesn’t mean John Doe’s parents can do the same. There’s about 5-10 football players on every ilh schools roster you named that has a sibling currently attending an oia or public middle school. Why? See, in your perfect imaginary world everyone would be an ilh alum. It’s easy for you to say because your family made that dream possible for you. I for one am a graduate of Western H.S in Anaheim CA, and where I come from people save up for years to spend one week on this rock we all share. So I’m living a dream and I wake up every morning feeling like a champ. Your definition of Champion in Life is different from the next person.

  9. Manley September 28, 2016 9:35 pm

    Campbell, Leileihua and Iolani above Mililani? Oh yeah, this is prime polling,lol.

  10. rrforlfiebaby September 28, 2016 9:42 pm

    LOL. i believe this is the same poll that last year had Mililani ranked in the top 10 nationally in the preseason.
    It is what it is. Can’t take anything away from St Louis. Looking forward to playoffs.

  11. Red Raider 4 Life September 29, 2016 2:33 am

    Whoa, butt hurt here…. Nah, this just some mainland guys trying to look smart. As it stands, thats why they play the game, for anyone can win or lose on any given day. No need to get all your panties in a bunch, Saint Louis does look good, so what? They still have to strap up and play the game…

  12. al September 29, 2016 5:24 am

    Al: “HHSAA will not make anywhere near the amount of money due to the lack of hype surrounding Punahou/STL pt3… Don’t get me wrong, theres gonna be more fans then the normal regular season attendance but nowhere near the crowd an oia/ilh state finals can pull (especially when Kahuku’s involved).”

    a) How do you know HHSAA will not make “anywhere near the amount of money due to lack of hype surrounding Punahou/STL pt 3?” Do you have revenue figures and projections for this? How much does HHSAA football make for HHSAA in general? I suspect it’s nowhere near the amount that most people here think it is. high school football isn’t the BCS.

    b) would the draw for an all-ILH finals be significantly lower than an all-OIA finals? Would the stadium sell out more for a Kahuku vs Waianae final? Based on the makeup of the teams in the tournament, an all-OIA final is much more statistically likely especially if there’s an early round upset. Is this not a concern for you?

    c) ANY team that makes it into the finals will bring their entire community with them to the stadium. It’s not just Kahuku. Mililani, Leilehua, etc, pulled their entire communities (which are bigger than Laie) to the stadium. Should Campbell, Waianae, or Kapolei make the finals, I have no doubt that their side of the stadium will be packed too. ditto for Punahou and ILH schools.

  13. Alpha September 29, 2016 7:21 am

    @al. . . It’s just common sense, no book smarts needed. Just hope Punahou can make it a little more competitive if they tend to play for an open title. We’ll see what happens stl/Punahou pt2 if they made any adjustments. I alrdy mention there will be bigger draw if it was an oia/ilh final. But a rematch of last yrs finely would be the bigger sell…

  14. Alpha September 29, 2016 7:30 am

    @al. . . And there’s no way in hell it’s going to be an all oia final, If there is then we’ll go out for drinks. Your choice my treat.

  15. 87 September 29, 2016 11:08 am

    dont matter how far kahuku gets in the playoffs we there win or lose in it 4 life! support the boyz, no other community like this RR4L

  16. The Truth September 29, 2016 11:27 am

    All I gotta say is the OIA teams gets banged up by playing each other but ILH only play the same teams and some of them are not that strong (don’t hit that hard) to where they hardly have injuries. So that means most of the time there healthy. With the OIA they out to break a leg pound you out type tackle, so going to have kids not making the game cause of injuries. OIA always go to the states banged up and still take it

  17. 87 September 29, 2016 1:20 pm

    bingo bro, ILH spreads the field and use space to beat you that keeps banging heads to a minimal. OIA is more collisions thats why waianae was kahukus toughest opponent last year.

  18. Education First September 29, 2016 2:03 pm

    87 September 29, 2016 at 11:08 am
    dont matter how far kahuku gets in the playoffs we there win or lose in it 4 life! support the boyz, no other community like this RR4L

    You are absolutely correct. I don’t see any other community with such abysmal test scores. I don’t see any other communities who come on blogs and spit nonsense. I don’t see any other communities who come onto a blog and talk big and say, “wat u like meet or wat? we go throw down!”

    Then when you give that person your name, where you will be, and what time you will be there, they don’t show up and disappear from the blog for days.


    And no other community makes up an absolutely ridiculous, not very funny, and unoriginal saying like “crickets.”

    So you are correct. I do agree with you.

  19. TooMeke September 29, 2016 2:14 pm

    Just a reminder. You ready for a repeat ILH? Cuz da D is coming back for you.

    As the song says: We got enemies. #CareBoutIt

    We Run OIA

    We Run States

    The only thing EF runs is the other way…and her mouth (well technically, fingers).


  20. 87 September 29, 2016 3:58 pm

    2meke if stl smash punahou again tonight then it will be an epic rematch against mighty big red. With us or against us we will always be banging like champs. Roots run deep thats why its ridahs 4Life! RR4L!

  21. Jeezy33 September 29, 2016 5:35 pm

    Well if it isn’t our good friend Professor TooMeke! The one who claimed to have an English professor mother who let him correct her papers when he was in 10th grade! Professor TooMeke, in case you guys didn’t know, apparently graduated from a top tier Pac-10 university in English in one of the “top english depts in the country” and then went on to get his phD in another pac-10 university with a top english dept.

    Did you ever meet with Education First to prove your credentialsm professor? Professor, are you going to answer my questions about your phD program? Or are you going to admit that you gave a bald faced lie to make yourself look good, professor? Professor, inquiring minds want to know!

  22. Jeezy33 September 29, 2016 5:38 pm

    Pleease, Professor TooMeke! PLEEEASE! Answer my questions because I am such in awe of you and your brilliant mind. I have copied and pasted my questions about your phD program below:

    “What were you researching for your dissertation? What was your focus in the English department in your phD program? What texts did you use for your areas/comps? I’ve never heard of anyone who is actually in academia call it “higher academia.” What does higher academia mean? Is it the opposite of “lower academia?” What conferences have you participated in? Any journal publications? Which ones and what were the articles about?”

    Professor TooMeke, I look forward to your cogent and professorly response!

  23. RAM FOR LIFE September 29, 2016 7:21 pm

    UH OH!!!!
    Punahou 23-0 up at halftime!

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