First Hawaiian Bank/HHSAA State Football Championships, Division I final
7:36 p.m. Humid. Clear skies. No lightning. They’re tossing the coin at midfield. Here we go.
Kahuku’s #62, Malosi Alapa, is wearing #49 tonight. He switched from left guard to fullback last week in the semifinal game.
Check me on Twitter @pupulepaul for updates.
Update 8:13 p.m. 9:38 left, first half, Kahuku 0, Punahou 9. Kahuku ball at its 47-yard line after a Punahou punt.
Update 11 p.m. It’s a final. Kahuku 42, Punahou 20. Buffanblu made a game of it in the third quarter by rallying from down 21 to within a touchdown. But turnovers hurt, and Kahuku scored back-to-back touchdowns in no time to get their cushion back.
Follow story, video interviews and more coming soon.
Paul Honda, Star-Advertiser