Cosbie steps down at Kamehameha

Doug Cosbie coached at Kamehameha for three seasons. Photo by Craig T. Kojima, Star-Advertiser.
Doug Cosbie coached at Kamehameha for three seasons. Photo by Craig T. Kojima, Star-Advertiser.

Doug Cosbie informed Kamehameha on Wednesday that he is stepping down as head football coach, effectively immediately, Hawaii Prep World has learned.

Cosbie went 19-9 in three seasons at Kamehameha but was 10-7 in his last two years after going 9-2 in 2013. The Warriors finished 2-4 in the ILH in 2015, marking their first losing season in league since 2007.

A phone call and text to Cosbie were not immediately returned. He later texted the Star-Advertiser to say he would not be granting formal interviews to the media until after Christmas.

“A family situation makes it necessary for us to be back in California,” Cosbie wrote. “I also have a couple of business obligations that I cannot postpone past the first half of 2016. It has been a privilege and blessing to have worked and coached at Kamehameha Schools. We will greatly miss the people we worked with,friendships we have formed over the last 3 years, and the great kids at Kamehameha.”

Cosbie played 10 years in the NFL for the Dallas Cowboys, who selected him in the third round of 1979 NFL Draft. He was selected to three Pro Bowls before retiring in 1989, when he began his coaching career.

Cosbie was hired at Kamehameha in May of 2013 to replace David Stant.


  1. Big Fan of Cosbie December 23, 2015 5:33 pm

    Mahalo Coach Cosbie – you’ll be greatly missed along with his wife Sherrie

  2. Mahatma Gandhi December 24, 2015 3:32 am

    oxtail, I agree. So mnay qualified local coaches who would be a great fit at Kamehameha. Why did they feel a need to go to the mainland to get a head football coach? Kahuku did the same 2 years ago.

  3. 88 December 24, 2015 7:04 pm

    Please do not compare Kamehameha’s Coach to Lee Leslie because there is no comparison. Kam had a real Coach with real knowledge about the game. Kahuku had a fake who had no idea how to make adjustments. All the guy could do was sell dreams…

  4. Jeezy33 December 24, 2015 11:25 pm

    Good riddance to that scumbag. He couldn’t evaluate talent if it bit him in the ass. I’ve identified much more collegiate prospects on Kam’s team than he ever did.

  5. 33 December 24, 2015 11:27 pm

    oxtail01: riiiight. that’s exactly it.

  6. f milo December 25, 2015 2:58 pm

    Like most of the local families of players realize….when schools invest in a coach from the mainland its usually unsuccessful and a waste of time. Same goes for this story. Mainlanders don’t realize that coaches here coach not to make a living but bc they love the sport enough to practically work for free.

  7. RR4L December 25, 2015 4:06 pm

    Rumor is Cosby is taking a football job in Europe. Google his name under the “News” Section, you’ll find it there. Did he not think people would find out?

  8. Spartan December 26, 2015 10:52 pm

    Why are there so many racist comments on here? This is 2016. In today’s world we choose the best candidate on resume, or at least we should. Also, why do you people insult this family man behind a fake name. If you are going to call him out, as least have some integrity and not hide behind a screen name. At least Coach Cosbie was doing the best he could day in and out. That is more important than winning a few football games. I applaud all coaches who give the time to children. I am embarrassed for our state that a few bad apples have to insult the man.

  9. Reel Talk December 27, 2015 11:26 am

    oxtail01 December 23, 2015 at 7:03 pm
    Why is it that, with so much local talent, Kamehameha felt a need to get a foreigner? What message are they sending to their own constituents – you local, you good enough for slave duty only? How insulting is that?

    This is so ignorant and racist. You would think that in 2016 anyone would hire the best candidate based on resume and fit. Bringing in race just pushes us Hawaiians back 100 years.

    So based on these asinine comments, all teachers and employees should be from Hawaii with Hawaiian Blood? OMG

  10. 88 December 27, 2015 4:02 pm

    @ReelTalk- isn’t having Hawaiian blood a must at Kam School?

  11. Reel Talk December 27, 2015 4:46 pm

    I believe the best person for the job should be hired. I don’t care if my child’s teacher is red, blue, green, or whatever if that person can do the best job. And based on what many kids think of the coach, he did a fantastic job of building relationships.

  12. Action Jackson January 26, 2016 9:24 pm

    Technically I guess Hawaii HS varsity football players aren’t adults yet…. They look, act and are treated like adults though.

    Thinking back to my playing days. Players like George Tupuola, Jerry Tagoai, and DJ Cabrera would make most of the daddies in the stands look like kids.

    @Spartan, sounds weird you referring to Vars football players as children. High school guys who act like children, don’t play vars football bruddah. Footballs a mans game!

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