Four Oahu Interscholastic Association junior varsity football teams will not be playing games this week.
In three out of the four cases, the reason for forfeiting the JV contests is not enough JV players on the roster to safely play a game, according to OIA football coordinator Harold Tanaka.
The three schools having trouble with JV roster numbers are McKinley, Kalaheo and Waialua.
The fourth school who is forfeiting a JV contest this week is Kaiser, which at last check, had plenty of JV players. No specific reason for not playing that JV game was given. However, it could have something to do with the Kaiser varsity team having already forfeited their scheduled game at the same site due to low roster numbers.
The four JV games that will not be played this weekend are:
>> Kaiser at Mililani, Friday (no varsity game either)
>> McKinley at Roosevelt, Friday (varsity at 6 p.m.)
>> Waipahu vs. Kalaheo, at Kailua High field, Saturday (varsity at 5 p.m.)
>> Waialua vs. Kaimuki, at Skippa Diaz Stadium, Saturday (varsity at 6:30 p.m.)
“Enrollment is way down in town (and East) schools and that is a big factor,” Tanaka said. “Everybody is moving out West.”
Tanaka mentioned it in the offseason and said it again on Tuesday that the league is looking at a new format to make better and safer matchups next year.
“We’ll be meeting throughout the year,” he said. “But no decisions will be made until after the season.”
The OIA is in the second year of a two-year format agreed to by league officials and that is one reason why no format changes were made this year, according to Tanaka.
What the heck is going on with the OIA. All kine excuses. Screwing things up for the kids who train all summer and then get denied games because OIA people no can take care of their Sh&&. Ah Lose money Harold and the OIA
Yup the OIA has done it again….in the pass the AP (Academic Probation) or as they call it now ARS (Academic Review Status) kids sat out the preseason game and the 1st game (2 games). This year because of some OIA genius the kids sit out the preseason game and the 1st and 2nd game (3 games). So don’t be surprise if next week we are looking at more forfeits….Great Job OIA!!!
The culture of sports right now is to form super teams. If you look at the NBA with its stars joining forces to win titles, the College and High school sports are doing the same. STL and PUN are always a magnet for elite football players from East Oahu, this leaves the OIA schools like Kaiser, Kalani and Mckinley depleted. Not to mention South East Oahu is majority asian who naturally dont play football so they are already facing an up hill battle.
The recent studys of trauma to the brain from Football is another reason why parents are steering their kids away from the sport. In lower income communitys like Kalihi, Kahuku, Ewa beach Football is seen as a ticket to college so these communitys thrive on the sport.
I would support the idea in the OIA of combining schools.
Say Kalani and Kaiser can form a Football team.
Kalaheo and Castle.
Mckinley and Kaimuki.
Waialua can Join Leilehua.
This forfeiture of games is not the OIAs fault, its a geographic and economics issue.
Q – So who’s fault is it that the kid is not doing his class work? I would blame the kid and his parents but you would probably blame president trump. Do you know why the ILH dont have kids on academic probation? Because b4 the kid is even close to probation they kick him out of school and send him back to his home school to become the DOE/OIA’s problem.
anywaaays!! – I’m not making excuses for those kids; those kids would be available for next week if more thought was put into the scheduling…and who made the schedule DUHHHH….
As for JV, Kalani doesn’t need to combine with Kaiser, neither does Leilehua need Waialua, Castle had 50 vs. Kalaheo’s 20 for this past scrimmage last Sat., so Castle is ok. Maybe gotta combine with 8th graders and 9th graders like ILH or something.
Wait a minute its not the OIA it the school thats have problems with not have kids to play.Its because of who’s coughing the team. Or they not doing much for the kids that needs the help. Just saying because some of the school kids wants to play but they get no help fro. Couch’s so OIA have nothing to do with that
Q – You got ghetto mentality. Please do not repopulate your genes.
I highly doubt that the scheduling committe plan the games around kids on probation. You still dont get it, the kids would be available to play in the first game if they just did their work. You trying to find ways to reward kids with bad behaviour is like You trying to find ways to reward kids with bad behaviour DUHHHH..
anywaaays!! You are one of those guys that have nothing better; but sit in front of the computer and give out your measly 2 cents…you obviously don’t get it so move on and give your 2 cents elsewhere…you are the ghetto and you write like one (I’ll put you on AP-grammatical errors) and by the way too late my genes are populated all over…get a life…CHEE HOOO…
Concussion injuries are due to poor coaching and tackling technique. I still see high school players putting their cage into the player they tackling. coaches at the park league have to really express how important it is to low and tackle properly. And their are some coaches who teach their kid how to be a dirty player.
Q- What are you talking about??? anywaaaays!! is on the front lines and talking from the field of battle. He’s McKinley’s Head Coach.
Scroll to the comments.
I think pre-season games are the best to miss if you are on AR.
If I was a head coach and see this pattern what do I do?
as a parent whose son is on AP for the first time and is now a junior is missing a few games, and trust he hates it. it think it is a lesson learned for him. even though both his father and i stress the importance of academics he slacked off the Last quarter and is now paying the price. it’s his fault and only his. just saying…..
How does one blame the OIA due to a kid being placed on academic probation (AP)? The last time I checked, its the studrnts themselves that are registered and attending classes. No one other than the students themselves, their parents, and lastly their coaches who are to blame if they are not doing adequate work and maintaining a minimum of a 2.0 gpa. That is specifically why they are called student-athletes….yes, student first, athlete second. No one has a right to compete in scholastic athletics, it is a mere privilege to do so. If a parents believes their kids is a stand-out athlete, they better get together with the head coach, college counselor, and the kid, prioritize his/her high school career and required classes and keep close attention and quick actions to any failures and road blocks the kid comes across. Stop blaming somebody else and take responsibility for your own failures.
Is it really, if it is something consistently happens year in and out? I have a friend who started coaching back in 2000 and says that they always factored in not having at least 15 players for the first two games of the season due to AP. Im all about accountability, but, cmon man, the OIA needs to address this, only if they see it as a problem which apparently they do not.
Which is why, pre-season games are the best to miss if you are on AP.
This is the VERY reason the leagues should factor in GPAs and SAT scores into the on-field score for every game. If it was implemented there’s a chance that Kaiser could have won the game without actually having to step on the field. For instance a forfeit win by rule is always a 2-0 score. If Kaiser accumulated 10 points via academic score and Mililani only 6 then Kaiser would have won 10-8.
Education First August 10, 2017 1:37 pm
This is the VERY reason the leagues should factor in GPAs and SAT scores into the on-field score for every game. If it was implemented there’s a chance that Kaiser could have won the game without actually having to step on the field. For instance a forfeit win by rule is always a 2-0 score. If Kaiser accumulated 10 points via academic score and Mililani only 6 then Kaiser would have won 10-8.
Here’s my shadow pretending to be me again.
But if that was the case, I don’t know how successful Kahuku would be.
Maybe they would start with negative points. Probably still win though.
Just saw in MaxPreps that California and National Power Long Beach Poly won’t field a JV team this year due to low numbers….unreal.
Academic Probation impacts 3 games this season due to school starting 1 week later then in the past. Thus the 2 week sit out goes into the 3rd game of the season.
I don’t get it, how can people blame the FB Coach for players being on probation? His job is to coach! Tthe school has Educators to help, Parents to push their child, but yes, the bottom line is the Student themselves make the choice of keeping up his grades or not. The FB Coach goes out of their job description to try to help the students improve their grades by running study hall, off season programs, pushing their athletes into other school sports which keep their grades up, doing things in practice to remind these athletes to keep up their grades, etc. One blames the Coach? Blame the student and their parents! Do your job parents! Don’t blame someone else for your shortcomings as a parent! That student has your last name on his back! Take away their video games and cell phone! Sheesh!
Id like to think that a coach does things outside of his job description because it is what is needed and is the right thing.
we not blaming the coach, but there needs to be some solution focused thinking and not who is to blame.
work with programs/businesses in the community to provide services/resources to help players in season and off season.
have a 4th quarter watch team of faculty or coaches or even parents with educational background who will mentor players through the 4th quarter to finish strong.
just ideas.
Its the Student-Athletes that should be held accountable for their education, that allows them the ability to participate in all school functions, including “sports”. In the long run, teaching the Student-Athlete to prioritize, organize and focus on Education first, then sports and community, when and if they move on to the next level it will only benefit themselves to be marketable to college recruiters and Division I, II and JC institutions. It is our job as parents, coaches, and school administrators to provide these Student-Athletes the tools, support and avenues for success.
Mama- isnt that how it is supposed to be right now?
As we are talking about GPA we need to consider the school. Is a school 4.0 to begin with. For example, Punahou is a 4.0 school with less than 1% not graduating.
While Waianae rate is 2.0 with graduates 50 to 60% of student body. Therefore, how can we expect a child in Waianae to meet the 2.0 gpa. When the school cant even meet a 2.0 rating or pass academic review.