Galen Tolu Smith III, who is from Mississippi and transferred to Kahuku this year to play basketball, signed a letter of intent last week to play for Western Kentucky, according to the school’s website.
According to sources who live on the North Shore, Smith moved to Hawaii from Mississippi in the fall and is living with David Te’o, who has been an assistant football coach at the school.
Kahuku coach Brandyn Akana did not immediately return a call for comment.
According to two new sources, Smith has family ties to the area. His great grandfather and the grandfather of the North Shore’s Johnny Tapusoa are brothers.
Lots of players from around the world are coming to Kahuku to play.
A year ago, Daniel Fotu attended Kahuku as a student and a basketball player for approximately three months of the hoops season before moving back to his native New Zealand. Several years ago, there were other New Zealanders playing for Kahuku who had transferred from Maryknoll. Also last year, Honolulu Star-Advertiser player of the year Jessiya Villa, who lived in Hawaii as a youngster and has relatives here, moved to Kahuku from West Virginia for his senior year. In addition last year, Samuta Avea returned to Kahuku, where he had played as an underclassman, from Utah for his senior year.
Fotu, Villa and Avea helped the Red Raiders to the Division I state championship last winter.
Fotu previously signed a letter of intent to play for Saint Mary’s. Villa and Avea have signed to play for the University of Hawaii.
Smith is a 6-10 forward who played at Bay High in Bay St. Louis, Miss., last season. He was named the Sun Herald’s All-South Mississippi Player of the Year last season.
According to an April article in the Biloxi, Miss., based, Smith was planning to transfer to Meridian High in Mississippi, which in March captured the state’s 6A championship.
It was reported in that article that Smith’s transfer was due to his parents receiving “better job opportunities” in Meridian.
Smith did not end up making the transfer to Meridian.
Smith’s brother, Galen Smith Jr., plays college basketball for Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans and his mother played collegiately at South Alabama.
CORRECTION: In an earlier version of this story, it was incorrectly reported that Smith did not have family ties to Hawaii.
This is Nick Abramo. I wrote the story.
In case anybody hasn’t checked it lately, it has been updated and there is a correction at the bottom.
Galen Tolu Smith is related to Johnny Tapusoa of the North Shore and others. His mom is Samoan and her grandfather is the brother of Johnny Tapusoa’s grandfather.
I spoke with Galen Tolu Smith’s dad on Thursday night and will be meeting them tomorrow with the intention of doing a basketball story.
It was a mistake to believe what I thought were reliable sources who said he did not have family here.
Haha, 88 and Too Meke and anywaaays, Mr. Galen Smith Sr. said that real men don’t hide behind electronic screens.
Bwahaha, he called you guys women! That just made my day. A guy from your own community basically called you guys out and said you guys are a bunch of panties.
You act all tough and make like you are hard. And you try act all big body. But a father from Laie/Kahuku, the area you rep, just came online and called you two a bunch of chumps basically.
Bravo Mr. Smith! Bravo!
And for the record I’m not a real man. That’s why I use a screen name.
Take your pills before you read anymore posts. What the fada wrote and what you got out of it is way off. Idiot….
Keep telling yourself that it’s not true and keep trying to deflect the truth 88.
Here are the facts.
1) Mr. Galen Smith Sr. stated “Stop hiding behind screen names and be forth coming about who you are as individuals. Real men don’t hide behind electronic screens.”
2) 88 uses a screen name.
3) Mr. Galen Smith Sr. lives in the Laie/Kahuku area.
88, you can try and deflect the truth. You can insult all of the families who have children who need to take medication in order to do or feel better. Mocking people who take medication just to try and insult me just shows how much of a coward you are.
The facts stated above clearly show the Mr. Smith, who is representing your community is saying that you are a coward or not a real man for hiding behind a screen name.
If you are a real man, post your real name. I guarantee you won’t because we all know you’re a scared little panty.
Talk big but hide behind a computer. Your such a wimp.
88, I know it’s challenging for you to understand simple sentences. So I will help you out.
Mr. Smith is saying that real men don’t hide behind screen names basically.
Since you do hide behind a screen name he is saying that you aren’t a real man. It’s inferred that not being a real man can be someone who is sacred, a panty, a wimp, or as we all it in the blogging community, Mr. 88.
Keep coming back with your creative comebacks. It doesn’t hide that you’re not a real man.
You are such a chump.
Also, Mr. Smith uses the word “individuals” which as you notice is plural. So it’s directed at the mass of people who are commenting on this thread about his son for using a fake screen name.
Since you are one of the people who are commenting, it is directed at you and others who have commented.
And you’re calling me an idiot?
Not only are you a coward and a panty, Nike we all see you’re also a moron!
Bwahahaha! I love people who try to act smart. And the moment they write something on this board they show the entire world how dumb they are. And what’s worse is you cannot even see it and you are calling others idiots when you can’t even understand a simple sentence that is black and white.
That’s how clear Mr. Smith’s writing is in his piece.
Haha dufus!
And yes there are typos in my comments. It still doesn’t change the fact that 88 got called out. 88 is not a real man.
UPDATE: I just figured something out. That’s why 88 is so passionate about football. Since he’s not a real man, he never could play football so he has to blog about it.
I just had one of those a-ha moments where everything became clear.
That is why 88 is on this site using a screen name and not being a real man.
My Clown 🤡 is back… You post under so many different names that it has been hard to keep up with you. Hope you and your math tutor at the McKinley school for adults are doing well. Now that that’s out of the way, entertain me clown 🤡…..
Haha. And you notice that all 88 can do is to insult. He is UNABLE to prove my argument wrong.
It’s okay 88. The more you write and show that you cannot prove that what I write in flawed, it just shows that you know you are wrong.
Like Mr. Smith said, “Keep hiding behind a screen name. You are not a real man.”
It must burn that your neighbor is telling the world that you are a coward. But he didn’t need to tell us that. We already knew it.
FACT – 88 hides behind his screen name.
I CHALLENGE 88 to reveal his real name and prove he’s not a coward.
I GUARANTEE he will not. Any takers?
The house is giving 1,000,000 to 1 odds.
88 is so classic. Instead of showing the world what I write I flawed. 88 decides to write “my clown is back.”
Haha is that all you got coward?
It’s impossible to argue the fact that your an idiot. It’s the truth. It’s what you were brought in this world to do. Now stop crying and trying to make friends on this forum (cause nobody cares) and do your job clown. Entertainment me.
So 88 had like 7-8 tries to prove me wrong.
Instead he does his predictable comeback of “I’m a clown and entertain me.”
That is so played out and tired.
Man, it’s cool that your a scared little boy who ha to hide.
It’s clear that you canker proce that I’m wrong.
Let me guess. I am:
1) here to entertain
2) an idiot
3) a clown
At least a member from my community (Mr. Smith) didn’t call me out for not being a real man.
Keep hiding 88. Keep hiding. It’s what you do best. Chicken 88
I am so sorry. I cannot help that I am sacred. I don’t want anyone to find out my real identity. After Mr. Smith called me out, I started to shiver. I am unable to come out from behind my screen. So I have to try and disguise my comebacks with insults and hurtful words. I am so sorry for being mean to everyone. I have had to live with the fact that I was unable to make the Kahuku Football Team. Coach Doug S. didn’t even keep my on as a water boy.
I still live in the basement of my mom’s house. No woman wants me which is why I am single. In addition to blogging I use Tinder, but no one wants to meet me. I tried E-Harmony and and no one is interested. I even tried to change the search preferences from seeking women to also seeing men. And no one wants to meet me.
That is why I am so angry and have to aggressively react to people. Please forgive me. I have so much pain inside. I don’t know how to fix myself.
Yo who the hell are you talking too? Nobody cares what you have to say. Its just you and me on this thread clown. Nobody else is reading your post. So enough of the whining and more of the entertaining. Thats a good clown.
I know the 12yr old personality is posting right now but can the Clown come back. The Clown is a bit more entertaining.
I cannot control myself. I have multiple personalities. One minute I am sorry. The next minute I am angry. Can someone please help me?
BTW I hide behind my screen name since I am very scared that others will find out who I am and will pick on me or get aggressive with me for all the foul things I said over the past few years.
Mr. Smith, why did you have to call me out. I had everyone fooled!