BOW: Hawaii Baptist rolls into states

Maryknoll will send both its boys and girls bowling teams to next week’s state tournament at the Schofield Bowling Center.

The Spartans girls won the ILH by one game over Punahou, going 32-7 with a 731 average. University finished two games behind Punahou for the other state spot.

The Hawaii Baptist boys team, which came in third in state last year and won the title the two years before that, was the class of the league this year. The Eagles went 33-3 with an 891 average. Maryknoll earned the league’s second spot with a 27-9 record and 835 average, barely nipping Damien’s 26-10 record and 829 average.

Jaron Goto of Hawaii Baptist was the league’s top bowler with a 204 average, beating Justin Fukoda of Mid-Pacific by 14 pins. Nicole Wong of Punahou was the top girl, carrying a 174 average over 32 games.

Interscholastic League of Honolulu – Boys Varsity Bowling
Overall – Final Standing
Hawaii Baptist Academy 33 3 32085 891.25
Maryknoll School 27 9 30083 835.64
Damien Memorial School 26 10 29872 829.78
Punahou School 26 10 28680 796.67
Mid-Pacific Institute 25 11 29510 819.72
Iolani School 24 12 29487 819.08
Lanakila Baptist School 17 19 27788 771.89
Kamehameha School 17 19 27006 750.17
University High School 15 21 26019 722.75
Assets School 14 22 25761 715.58
St. Louis School 6 30 23680 657.78
Hanalani Schools 2 34 21724 603.44
Academy of the Pacific 2 34 19578 543.83
Division I – Final Standing
Damien Memorial School 26 10 29872 829.78
Punahou School 26 10 28680 796.67
Mid-Pacific Institute 25 11 29510 819.72
Iolani School 24 12 29487 819.08
Kamehameha School 17 19 27006 750.17
St. Louis School 6 30 23680 657.78
Division II – Final Standing
Hawaii Baptist Academy 33 3 32085 891.25
Maryknoll School 27 9 30083 835.64
Lanakila Baptist School 17 19 27788 771.89
University High School 15 21 26019 722.75
Assets School 14 22 25761 715.58
Hanalani Schools 2 34 21724 603.44
Academy of the Pacific 2 34 19578 543.83
Individual boys
HBA Jaron Goto 30 6122 204.07
MPI Justin Fukuda 35 6669 190.54
DMS Jordan Murai 30 5663 188.77
MS Keenan Kurihara 33 6172 187.03
KS Bradley Doi 34 6289 184.97
Pun Phillip Kelsey 36 6632 184.22
LBS Chris Onitsuka 31 5698 183.81
HBA Derek Leong 35 6399 182.83
DMS Gabriel Ching 32 5731 179.09
MS Tyler Edrada 33 5873 177.97
UHS Jacinto Jacinto 36 6344 176.22
HBA Tyler Hodson 32 5637 176.16
HBA Brentt Higa 6 1026 171.00
Iol Curt Wong 35 5972 170.63
HBA Brock Wong 33 5617 170.21
LBS Ian Shanks 29 4924 169.79
HBA Lewis Wang 35 5905 168.71
MS Gabriel Fukumoto 26 4370 168.08
Pun Jon Cloutier 30 5018 167.27
As Steven Garrett 36 6021 167.25
Iol Tyler Ushio 34 5653 166.26
MPI Chase Warashina 35 5818 166.23
StL Joshua Nakamura 36 5955 165.42
MS Landan Yoshida (JV) 29 4796 165.38
Iol Trent Nakamura 35 5765 164.71
DMS Brandon Marcello (JV) 35 5756 164.46
MS Anthony Kwon 27 4440 164.44
Pun Paul Shoji 36 5914 164.28
Iol Brock Yap 31 5078 163.81
MPI James Lau 30 4850 161.67
Iol Reyn Ono 36 5769 160.25
DMS Kapa’a Akau 30 4748 158.27
MPI Royce Noda 31 4847 156.35
MS Wyatt Gushikuma 7 1093 156.14
MPI Tyler Yasui 10 1556 155.60
DMS Ryan Ariola 25 3885 155.40
DMS Blaine Labayog 27 4194 155.33
KS Keanu Lindsey (JV) 26 4038 155.31
StL Nicholas Erolin 23 3557 154.65
UHS Brandon Marzan 36 5562 154.50
MS Wade Gushikuma 17 2623 154.29
DMS Daison Batangan 21 3227 153.67
MS Sean Allison 5 768 153.60
MS Jarren Chun 12 1842 153.50
MPI Jake Saito 26 3988 153.38
HBA Sinjin Takahashi 9 1379 153.22
Pun Andrew Shoji 32 4869 152.16
UHS Nick Hodel 36 5461 151.69
Han Dan Muraoka 36 5445 151.25
KS Makana Aguilar 34 5089 149.68
LBS Chad Adachi 28 4172 149.00
KS Zachary Kawai 20 2974 148.70
LBS Grant Johnson 23 3419 148.65
As Matthew Hirata 36 5230 145.28
LBS James Tessier 26 3741 143.88
MS Travis Patoc 13 1867 143.62
As Devin Takahashi 36 5119 142.19
Pun Calder Atta 31 4379 141.26
As Cameron Watanabe 33 4641 140.64
LBS Anthony Fisher 21 2947 140.33
KS Tyren Hepa 15 2097 139.80
StL Shay Long (JV) 22 3059 139.05
Iol Robbie Quon 3 417 139.00
Iol Cole Stevens 6 833 138.83
KS Jonathan Chin 22 3041 138.23
MPI Reyn Matsumoto 13 1782 137.08
Pun Chris Patmont 8 1089 136.13
StL Chris Hekekia 30 4018 133.93
KS Cas Pang 15 2008 133.87
KS Likeke Aipa 13 1735 133.46
StL Jonathan Morton 11 1461 132.82
LBS Edward Relin 22 2887 131.23
Han Tyler Stevens 33 4281 129.73
KS Brandon Orpillia 15 1903 126.87
UHS Vance Leu 36 4489 124.69
As Charlie Siemann 35 4270 122.00
StL Royce Yamamoto 18 2188 121.56
AOP David Miguel 26 3153 121.27
StL Sheyne Baniaga 11 1290 117.27
StL Kellen Kamita 19 2213 116.47
Han Brisen Oshirochin 26 3012 115.85
UHS Tarrence Aldueso 36 4163 115.64
MS Jeffery Hagino 2 230 115.00
AOP Kingston Murata 21 2397 114.14
AOP Kyle Takemoto 25 2795 111.80
Pun Sean Watanabe 7 779 111.29
AOP Geoffrey Min 29 3155 108.79
Han Nick Sakai 29 3104 107.03
AOP Benjamin Fischberg 27 2864 106.07
AOP Noah Brown Speigal 25 2651 106.04
Han Jon Shoffner 25 2595 103.80
Han Jared Shimabukuro 25 2567 102.68
StL Germain Atmospera 5 495 99.00
StL Cody Salvdez 6 572 95.33
AOP Sam Mahoney 26 2443 93.96
StL Raphael Ramos 5 387 77.40
StL Layne Morishima 5 355 71.00

Interscholastic League of Honolulu – Girls Varsity Bowling

Overall – Final Standings
Maryknoll School 32 7 28521 731.31
Punahou School 31 8 27920 715.90
University High School 29 10 27089 694.59
Sacred Hearts Academy 25 14 26164 670.87
St. Francis 24.5 14.5 26136 670.15
Hawaii Baptist Academy 24 15 26551 680.79
Iolani School 24 15 25971 665.92
St. Andrew’s 23.5 15.5 24729 634.08
Mid-Pacific Institute 17 22 25636 657.33
Kamehameha Schools 16 23 24829 636.64
Island Pacific Academy 10 29 22908 587.38
Academy Of The Pacific 8 31 21878 560.97
Hanalani School 7 32 18980 486.67
Hoala 2 37 18385 471.41
Division I – Final Standings
Punahou School 31 8 27920 715.90
Iolani School 24 15 25971 665.92
Mid-Pacific Institute 17 22 25636 657.33
Kamehameha Schools 16 23 24829 636.64
Division II – Final Standings
Maryknoll School 32 7 28521 731.31
University High School 29 10 27089 694.59
Sacred Hearts Academy 25 14 26164 670.87
St. Francis 24.5 14.5 26136 670.15
Hawaii Baptist Academy 24 15 26551 680.79
St. Andrew’s 23.5 15.5 24729 634.08
Island Pacific Academy 10 29 22908 587.38
Academy Of The Pacific 8 31 21878 560.97
Hanalani School 7 32 18980 486.67
Hoala 2 37 18385 471.41

ILH individual girls

Pun Nicole Wong 32 5575 174.22
MS Brianna Guro 39 6572 168.51
StA Sharyn Miyaji 39 6494 166.51
MPI Taylor Sumi 39 6451 165.41
IPA Jaymie-Rae Martin 33 5453 165.24
UHS Shannon Lee 39 6414 164.46
Hoa Audrey Martin 36 5885 163.47
MS Miranda Naone 39 6305 161.67
Iol Traci Rivera 33 5298 160.55
StF Danalynne Llacuna 34 5433 159.79
StA Quinn Takeda 39 6105 156.54
Pun Lauren Tanimoto 31 4838 156.06
AOP Ashley Hasama-Tompkins 38 5912 155.58
SHA Amanda Lum 37 5741 155.16
SHA Alexis Peterson 39 5956 152.72
KS Deanna Choy 39 5906 151.44
StF Jennifer Tunoa 33 4927 149.30
StA Rachel Tamura 33 4868 147.52
UHS Katelyn Lee 38 5573 146.66
Pun Kelly Mok 27 3867 143.22
HBA Macy Tokuda 39 5559 142.54
Iol Sydney Yoshioka 36 5127 142.42
HBA Torri Yoshizawa 39 5545 142.18
HBA Tracie Fujioka 39 5539 142.03
Pun Demi Suzuki 16 2233 139.56
UHS Kara Yoshinaga 39 5434 139.33
MS Amanda Tseu 33 4587 139.00
Pun Hilary Nakaya 15 2073 138.20
HBA Rebecca Yonashiro 39 5387 138.13
Iol Kelli Kaneta 35 4808 137.37
StF Mia Arroyo 31 4210 135.81
MPI Kimberly Tamashiro 29 3937 135.76
Pun Elisabeth Ushigome (JV) 13 1744 134.15
MS Nicole Lee 34 4554 133.94
MPI Kara Lei Muraoka 35 4674 133.54
UHS Kiana Lacaden 30 3992 133.07
SHA Theresa O’Connor 35 4645 132.71
MS Malulani Antonio 32 4227 132.09
Pun Tiffany Mok 24 3138 130.75
StF Marissa Sembrano 29 3785 130.52
SHA Lynsey Overstreet 29 3767 129.90
StF Kaelin Gusman 24 3110 129.58
Pun Erin Uehara 7 902 128.86
KS Lauren Chun 27 3458 128.07
Iol Erin Park 14 1792 128.00
SHA Shaynalynn Ahsam (JV) 23 2916 126.78
Pun Natalie Portwood 10 1267 126.70
Pun Janet Li 9 1140 126.67
Pun Nicole Shelton (JV) 11 1391 126.45
MS Corine Gushikuma 18 2276 126.44
KS Kamaile Kapanui 31 3915 126.29
KS Chelsea Souza 35 4401 125.74
Han Adriene Oh 39 4892 125.44
Iol Kylie Kim 34 4261 125.32
AOP Morgan Gafney 39 4858 124.56
Pun Kristi Kobayashi 7 870 124.29
IPA Le Nguyen 27 3337 123.59
MPI Lauren Tokunaga 30 3681 122.70
Han Malia Boullion 32 3921 122.53
Han Mandie Ho 36 4359 121.08
UHS Chelsey Flores 19 2280 120.00
Pun Kourtney Wong 7 830 118.57
KS Amber Cuban 31 3674 118.52
KS Taryn Alisna 2 234 117.00
UHS Lei-Vaughn Wanstead 4 468 117.00
HBA Tammy Isobe 39 4521 115.92
UHS Chelsea Cagaoan 4 462 115.50
UHS Ashley Castro 8 918 114.75
KS Sydnie Uemoto 9 1032 114.67
MPI Jaimelenn Uemura (JV) 21 2402 114.38
SHA Harumi Akasaki 24 2742 114.25
StF Taylor Mau 18 2056 114.22
Iol Kryn Matsutani 12 1367 113.92
KS Pacifica Olores 14 1580 112.86
IPA Jordan Hanson 31 3478 112.19
MPI Annette Lee 18 2015 111.94
StA Chelsee Yee 30 3330 111.00
Pun Tiffany Tran 6 665 110.83
UHS Marissa Mann 14 1548 110.57
MPI Kate Hendrix 31 3406 109.87
StA Joy Higashino 24 2629 109.54
Iol Remi-Anne Yamamoto 23 2518 109.48
IPA Anna Cheng 30 3266 108.87
SHA Alana Matsukawa 6 652 108.67
IPA Nicole Chatigny 24 2595 108.13
StA Amber Oda 29 3116 107.45
KS Ciara Lopez 3 318 106.00
Han Kira Oyama 10 1056 105.60
SHA Noel Wegesend 16 1664 104.00
StF Maiki Flazer 12 1245 103.75
Han Jane Woo 26 2650 101.92
IPA Sarah Batten 25 2480 99.20
Han Jerica Yamada 34 3369 99.09
MPI Elle Watson 3 294 98.00
Hoa Brittany Chung 7 678 96.86
AOP Cory Shin 18 1723 95.72
IPA Lynn Shin 25 2299 91.96
StF Marie Davis 8 717 89.63
AOP Morgan Clark 30 2663 88.77
Hoa Lindsey Ashton 22 1943 88.32
Hoa Kaile Luga 34 2921 85.91
Hoa Amber Raduziner 19 1614 84.95
AOP Kela Foytich 36 3022 83.94
KS Michaela Taipa 4 311 77.75
Hoa Alyssa Kaneko 17 1280 75.29


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