Athletic directors Gregory Van Cantfort of Kalani, Harold Tanaka of Farrington and Jeff Meister of Punahou and were given awards for their service in the 2014-15 school year earlier this month at the Hawaii Interscholastic Athletic Directors Association conference at Hilton Waikoloa Village on the Big Island.
Van Cantfort received the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators State Award of Merit.
Tanaka and Meister were honored with the HIADA Athletic Administrator of the Year award.

Saint Louis AD Wade Okamura was recognized for his 30 years of service in Hawaii athletic administration.
A list of award winners at HIADA follow.
NIAAA State Award of Merit
>> Gregory Van Cantfort, Kalani
HIADA Athletic Administator of the Year Award
>> Harold Tanaka, Farrington
>> Jeff Meister, Punahou
HIADA Special Service Award
>> Ed Chang, HHSAA air riflery coordinator and official
>> Mark Maretzki, water polo official
>> Bill Thilken, Billy Tees
NIAAA Service Award for Athletic Administration
>> Wade Okamura, Saint Louis (30 years)
>> Carl Schroers, ‘Iolani (25 years)
>> John Medeiros, Assets (25 years)
>> Steve Perry, Hawaii Prep (25 years)
>> Harold Tanaka, Farrington (15 years)
>> Deren Oshiro, Hawaii Baptist (15 years)
HIADA Coaches Award
>> Odell Marinia, Maui
>> Rose Lum, Kamehameha
>> Waynette Mitchell, Radford