Waianae and Saint Louis renew rivalry

Walter Young will get his first taste as head coach of the Seariders' longstanding rivalry with Saint Louis. Photo by Jamm Aquino/Star-Advertiser.
Walter Young will get his first taste as head coach of the Seariders’ longstanding rivalry with Saint Louis. Photo by Jamm Aquino/Star-Advertiser.

Waianae and Saint Louis have a knack for meeting in inaugural events.

When the Prep Bowl was instituted in 1973, legendary Waianae coach Larry Ginoza led the Seariders to a 6-0 win over the Crusaders in the first of eight meetings between the schools in the annual OIA-ILH postseason classic.

Saint Louis has owned the series since. The programs met in the Prep Bowl seven times in a 12-year stretch from 1986 to 1997 during the Crusaders’ decade-plus of dominance.

When the Prep Bowl was replaced by the HHSAA state tournament in 1999, Saint Louis eliminated Waianae in the opening round. The Crusaders also won semifinal matchups in 2000, ’06 and ’07 and again in the 2010 Division I final when Marcus Mariota led the Crusaders to a 36-13 win over the Seariders.

The state tournament’s Open Division was introduced this year and Waianae and Saint Louis will renew their series with a meeting in the semifinals on Friday at Aloha Stadium.

While second-seeded and ILH champion Saint Louis had a bye in the first round, Farrington survived a defensive battle with Farrington and advanced with a 14-8 win on Saturday in Halawa.

Waianae’s defense held Farrington to 75 yards to help the Seariders overcome two interceptions, two fumbles, a blocked punt and a safety. Linebacker Kana’i Mauga led the way with eight total tackles in a collective defensive effort that bottled up prolific Farrington running back Challen Faamatau for 32 yards on 20 carries.

“We gotta go back and fix that against a good Saint Louis team,” Waianae coach Walter Young said of the turnovers. “We’re going to go back to the drawing board, we’re gonna fix those mistakes and we’re gonna get ready for the next one.”

The Seariders and Governors did quite a bit to hamper their own progress with both teams flagged for 10 penalties each for a combined 213 yards.

The Seariders forced punts on Farrington’s first six possessions and held fast when the Governors took over at the Waianae 4 after Iosefo Ah Ching, who had two interceptions, blocked a punt in late in the third quarter. Short runs by Faamatau and Freedom Alualu moved the ball to the 1 and the Seariders stopped Faamatau short on fourth-and-goal.

Three plays later, Farrington broke through with a safety on the first snap of the fourth quarter. The Governors received the free kick and moved to the Waianae 20 before stalling. But the Seariders fumbled the ball away on a handoff at their 13 and Faamatau cashed in this time from two yards out to give Farrington the lead.

Waianae was awarded a fumble recovery when the officials ruled Faamatau lost possession although television replays appeared to show he was down before the ball was torn loose. Two plays later, Javen Towne scored the go-ahead touchdown on a 15-yard run with 4:58 left.

“Our defense balled out the entire game,” said Towne, who ran for 148 yards on 22 carries. “The time needed to come and coach prepped us, our quarterback gave us pep talk and just told us we had to leave it all on the line or else we’re going to go home and and this was going to be it for us.”

Farrington put together one more push with Bishop Rapoza completing two fourth-down passes to extend a drive that reached midfield. But his final throw fell incomplete to give the back to Waianae and Towne picked up a first down that allowed the Seariders to run out the clock.

“No matter how you do it, you gotta play to win or else you go home,” Young said. “That’s the message we preach to our kids and they came up big for us today.”


  1. Red panties for life November 8, 2016 3:04 pm

    4 touchdowns atleast…. St. Louis and Tua man pound through waianae. Glad to see kahuku gotta go through the tagovailoas its gonna get good. Aloha

  2. What u smok'n November 8, 2016 3:28 pm

    Oops, sorry you had to explain yourself I just assumed that you wore red and blue panties because you are a St.louis fan, my bad.

  3. Alpha November 8, 2016 4:07 pm

    Red panties for life November 8, 2016 at 3:04 pm
    4 touchdowns atleast…. St. Louis and Tua man pound through waianae. Glad to see kahuku gotta go through the tagovailoas its gonna get good. Aloha

    Say whaaaa? All season long it was Kahuku had to prove itself against 2 ilh schools, now it’s the Tagovailoa bro’s? Man, the haterade is potent this time a yr. . . As long as a public school win, I’m good. . . Congrats Kapolei, yall proved everybody that it’s not only Kahuku playing ball in the oia. . . Now yall just got the ilh vote for champs, cause dey bandwagon like crazy to knock Kahuku off the #1 spot. . .

  4. Red panties for life November 8, 2016 4:49 pm

    @Alpha Open your mind quade. The brown water is real out there. I dont know how stating a fact is hating against kahuku. Kahuku is 99 percent sure gonna play against both the tagovailoas. Where the in the hell is the hate in that??? Lay off the brown water and the palusami u faka!

  5. Red panties for life November 8, 2016 4:52 pm

    Bradda watch u smokin ?? U better keep smokin and keep your ass off the forum u faka. Before i torch u.

  6. Red panties for life November 8, 2016 4:53 pm

    Yeah cuz i hate kahuku just as much as u hate st louis lets be real.

  7. Red panties for life November 8, 2016 5:03 pm

    Ok good night all u bridesmaids from the nineties. U guys should write a book on how u lost the big one in the nineties. The lights was too bright. All of the opposing team looked 30 years old. Bridesmaids give excuses. Champs put up deuces. Ferry boys.

  8. Alpha November 8, 2016 5:05 pm

    Red panties for life November 8, 2016 at 4:49 pm
    @Alpha Open your mind quade. The brown water is real out there. I dont know how stating a fact is hating against kahuku. Kahuku is 99 percent sure gonna play against both the tagovailoas. Where the in the hell is the hate in that??? Lay off the brown water and the palusami u faka!

    I get my palusami from the Tagovailoa’s out here in ewa beach. . . I bet you wasn’t 99% sure Kahuku was gona play both Tagovailoa’s last week. . . So in the words of Marcus Mariota at the end of his Heisman acceptance speech “Fa’afetai Tele Lava”.

  9. What u smok'n November 8, 2016 5:50 pm

    Good night? It’s only 5:00. You sure you not from the 40’s and not the 90’s. Ok, good night tutu, no foget to soak yo teet now.

  10. Hau’ulaBoy November 8, 2016 7:27 pm

    His panties is red cause he stay bleeding. No wonder why he soooo mad. Hahaha, too funny.

  11. Hau’ulaBoy November 8, 2016 7:31 pm

    Sole, just keep hatin cause we love it. I aint a LaieBoy, but like the song goes, ” just love, love, love “.

  12. Red panties for life November 9, 2016 3:05 am

    @alpha here we go. U swinging on mariotas balls now?? He from kahuku too? He was raised in hawaii kai lol. Plenty samoan culture going on there. Manti teo is from the north shore. I bet u was swinging on those too until he became a busts. I knew it all along. Funny kahuku plays all this great football in highschool but not one guy currenty in the league. You cannot play pop warner style football and make it to the next level. Y u think u fakas cannot open your playbook. I bet tata tried but had to keep it simple because he working with simple minded dummies out there. Thats why u fakas go on missions right after highschool because u guys is too dum get into college. Mission my ass cannot find brains on missions lol

  13. Alpha November 9, 2016 4:50 am

    @redpanties. . . Ummmm, I am the furthest from a Kahuku alumni and resident (not even close to being local). I’ve posted many times before that I’m not from here. But I like how you know everything lol. . . Cali boy who moved to Hawaii and fell in love with the H.S football and it’s loyal fans. I’m a public school kid so of course I’m team OIA. . . But you already knew that Mr. Know it all. . .

  14. Alpha November 9, 2016 5:08 am

    In fact, aside from the handful of Red Raiders peeps who be getting alil too much, what is the deal with bashing on the #1 team in the state? It’s simple math since everybody wants to talk about Kahuku’s poor education . . Just BEAT THEM!!! And yes, I’m a proud Samoan who takes pride in all our youth no matter what school public/private they come from. So when red panties tell me lay off the palusami, I take offense cause that’s my culture (what Samoan don’t eat palusami?). It’s like me telling the Hawaiians lay off the lau lau, but for what? That’s what they eat!!! . . So @redpanties, b4 you start taking cheap shots and telling a certain group to lay off the palusami, you better chk the school you support because there’s a load of palusami eaters on your team also. Don’t take cheap shots at these people’s religion, that’s very uncalled for. I hope your not a private school kid because your comments and language is not what your parents paid for, they also didn’t pay for you to call yourself a red pant for life also (if that is the case).

  15. Alpha November 9, 2016 5:25 am

    @redpanty. . . Hauoli Kikaha. . . Yes, I looked it up. And yes, a Kahuku alumni currently on an nfl roster. . .

  16. Red panties for life November 9, 2016 6:04 am

    @alpha thanks for looking up one hawaiian from kahuku. I could give 2 fucks about teasing samoans ive been doing it for years. Keep getting offended u just feeding my fire. Like i said way back coconut floater. Strap those fukn coconuts to your armpits and float to where u came from. Cali samoa who gives a shit.

  17. TheHeartlessPrick November 9, 2016 6:53 am

    Waianae hasn’t beat STL since 1973? I guess you couldn’t it a “winless rivalry” since then & the streak will continue on Friday. Save the gas & watch this game on TV folks. The two semi final games will be lopsided. STL vs Kahuku in the final.

  18. AiNoKea November 9, 2016 7:48 am

    @ Red Panties for Life
    Go wash your mouth and your panties. Is that what your parents named you? Or is that a nickname from when you was in High School? I’m assuming you went to St. Louis or St. Francis?

  19. Alpha November 9, 2016 7:55 am

    Why you tease @redpanty? So much hostility. Your parents didn’t teach any manners? U live on a Polynesian island. Lol, I’m done with this joker ass charecter, yall hear this individual? To all the Hawaiians reading these comments, if teasing a culture because they cook and eat from the land, the language is as strong today as it ever was, our kids from the islands can successfull participate in American sport is wrong then tease all you want. But Ill just keep enjoying the locals that are not that bitter towards my people and would sit and break bread with us. It’s 2016 homie, whatever your issue is get over it.

  20. TheHeartlessPrick November 9, 2016 8:10 am

    Try staying on the article. You looking for validation from everyone else about some one side blinding you personally. We all could really careless about your personal culture & how you survive. Your people is “your people” worry about that else where.

    This discussion is about Hawaii Prep Sports not green bananas, coconut milk & ESL adults trying to sound relevant about high school athletes.

  21. Alpha November 9, 2016 8:21 am

    @redpanty, are mad? It must bug the hell out of you that the four open teams left are quarterbacked by Samoan kids who’s families probably floated here on coconuts under their armpits. Just wana wish The Tagovailoa bro’s, J. Ulu, S. Maiava luck this wknd and we as a state are proud of you and your football teams accomplishments.

  22. Education First November 9, 2016 8:31 am

    TooMeke November 8, 2016 at 12:42 pm
    don’t forget to VOTE!

    @anywaysss and @EF… remember… regardless of your respective multiple personalities disorders…you can only vote ONCE!



    88 I am pretty impressed! How do you log into all of your usernames (88, TooMeke, anywaays, GoodStory) so quickly? Are you at the Apple Store and you are logging in to all the laptops sitting next to each other?

    I know I tease you, but that is pretty impressive. What is more impressive is that you are using your username #3 (Too Meke) to tease your username #3 (anywaays) to make the audience think you are different people.

    That’s pretty ingenious if you ask me.

  23. 88 November 9, 2016 9:59 am

    No, what’s impressive is that your able type while your mouth is full. Now that is pretty amazing.

  24. Jason Keuma November 9, 2016 10:03 am

    I hope Waianae does well.

    111- bringing up the age rule. Glad the ILH consented to the 8 consecutive semester of eligibility rule. Glad the doubled the transfer rule to two years….only to back it down to one again.

    Go Waianae.

  25. Education First November 9, 2016 10:21 am

    88, of course my mouth is full. It is full with knowledge and the ability to speak using high level vocabulary.

    By the look of your simple posts, the entire blogging nation know you are incapable of this.

    It hilarious that other than using your fake usernames (too meke, anywaays, good story) no one in your entire community supports you.

    Now granted, you guys all support the same Kahuku Football Team. But I find it ironic that not a single person from your community writes anything to back you up. No one say, “Education First, 88 composes high level posts.”

    “Education First, you are a jackass and 88 is one of the smartest guys on this blog.”

    They don’t and even though they all think I am an ass, not a single person supports you or ever defends you when I call you an idiot.

    I will give the Kahuku community and posters credit though. No matter how much they dislike me, at least they are objective in their evalaution of you. They all know you are a moron.

    It must suck for you. You have to resort to calling me names. Implying that I like sauage.

    But all I have to do is tell the truth and not have to resort to childish insults that everyone knows is both untrue and very unoriginal.

    1) It kills you that you will not be or never will be a part of the Kahuku Football Team or Football Staff.

    2) No one on this blog from Kahuku supports you.

    3) You are by far the biggest crybaby on here.

    4) You are too scared to meet which is why you had to make up a fake story.

    5) Did I mention you will never be a part of the Kahuku Football Team or coaching staff? LOL.

    So come back with your insults of clown; I like sausage parties, blah blah blah. Your unimaginative replies just bore me.

    But my truths about you dig into your soul. We all know it and can see it. Just don’t kill yourself or hurt someone. We don’t want that for anyone.

    Now breath young man, breath young man. It’s okay Kahuku doesn’t want you. It’s time to move on to the next community. Might I recommend Kalihi?

  26. 88 November 9, 2016 11:06 am

    Unlike you, I dont need or seek others approval. It’s called being a man. Maybe if you didn’t live at home with mommy and daddy you would know what I’m talking about. But since you do I don’t hold it against you. That’s why you are so entertaining. Oh and I appreciate you calling me one of the smartest guys on this blog and coming to terms with yourself about being a jackass. Good job clown.

  27. Jason Keuma November 9, 2016 11:24 am

    Back to football. I jut realized that Waianae ended up OIA 4 and wouldn’t have had a chance to play St. Louis., for that I am greatful for this poorly thought up plan, and that it is it. Everything else stinks about it.

    In are do merger talk, why not just play in the “preseason”. Like St. Louis and Mililani kinda did earlier this season?

  28. Alpha November 9, 2016 12:15 pm

    TheHeartlessPrick November 9, 2016 at 8:10 am
    Try staying on the article. You looking for validation from everyone else about some one side blinding you personally. We all could really careless about your personal culture & how you survive. Your people is “your people” worry about that else where.

    This discussion is about Hawaii Prep Sports not green bananas, coconut milk & ESL adults trying to sound relevant about high school athletes.

    My personal culture? Lol. . . You mean Hawaii is not a Polynesian island which pretty much share the same cultural values as the rest of the polynisian islands. Don’t get it twisted, don’t let America come in and brainwash you into thinking Hawaii wasn’t a green banana, coconut milk non English speaking island from the beginning. Here some football talk for you, more then 50% of the Hawaii football talent comes from kids with polynisian families who grew up eating green banana, coconuts and learning the English language. . .

  29. TheHeartlessPrick November 9, 2016 12:20 pm

    My personal culture? Lol. . . You mean Hawaii is not a Polynesian island which pretty much share the same cultural values as the rest of the polynisian islands. Don’t get it twisted, don’t let America come in and brainwash you into thinking Hawaii wasn’t a green banana, coconut milk non English speaking island from the beginning. Here some football talk for you, more then 50% of the Hawaii football talent comes from kids with polynisian families who grew up eating green banana, coconuts and learning the English language. . .


    Can someone escort Alpha to Tammy’s Market or PCC? He is seriously digging up his cultural history while everyone else is trying to build up a conversation. #AngryPolyAlert

  30. Alpha November 9, 2016 12:44 pm

    @heartlessprick fair. . . Any word on R. Rosario? HPW can you guys find out? Great for Coach young and his team but he will get out coached. But who knows, that’s why the game is played on the field. . . IMO

  31. TheHeartlessPrick November 9, 2016 1:07 pm

    Alpha November 9, 2016 at 12:44 pm
    @heartlessprick fair. . . Any word on R. Rosario? HPW can you guys find out? Great for Coach young and his team but he will get out coached. But who knows, that’s why the game is played on the field. . . IMO

    I hate to not give the rest of the team credit but Rosario is the core of the team. And if it wasn’t for the defense against Farrington they would of been dead in the water. Luckily they were up when he got hurt. Farrington can’t play from behind & Okimoto isn’t a Coach to respond.

  32. Education First November 9, 2016 1:17 pm

    88 November 9, 2016 at 11:06 am
    Unlike you, I dont need or seek others approval. It’s called being a man. Maybe if you didn’t live at home with mommy and daddy you would know what I’m talking about. But since you do I don’t hold it against you. That’s why you are so entertaining. Oh and I appreciate you calling me one of the smartest guys on this blog and coming to terms with yourself about being a jackass. Good job clown.
    I guess being a man means “not showing up when you are called out 3-5 times?” HAHA!

    And also for the record, I will reply to your other comment regarding the word silly and comical since you are obviously a moron who thinks the two words are similar when they are not.


    88 November 9, 2016 at 11:43 am
    Isnt “behaving in a comical way” and “a silly person” the same thing? So by your definition your a foolish sausage loving clown. Now that’s funny. But why the hell would you want to battle anyone in pre-school? I get it. It will be a fair fight intellectually. Good job clown.

    Her moron (88):

    Silly means: “having or showing a lack of thought, understanding, or good judgment; foolish or stupid; not practical or sensible; not serious, meaningful, or important.”

    Comical means: “producing laughter; amusing; funny.” http://www.dictionary.com/browse/comical

    You really are dumb. You think silly and comical have the same definitions! HAHAHA! You are such an idiot it’s ridiculous. Then thinking the two words mean the same thing, you write about it and think YOU GOT ME!

    Man, read a damn book!

  33. Education First November 9, 2016 1:20 pm

    HAHA 88 is so dumb! He thinks silly and comical mean the same thing. What an idiot!

    Silly means: “having or showing a lack of thought, understanding, or good judgment; foolish or stupid; not practical or sensible; not serious, meaningful, or important.”

    Comical means: “producing laughter; amusing; funny.” http://www.dictionary.com/browse/comical

    I am amazed that you go on record for the world to see. You try to insult me with words you obviously do not know the meaning of.

    That is both ignorant and idiotic. I am amazed you are allowed out of your half-way house to use the computer.

  34. Education First November 9, 2016 1:26 pm

    88 November 9, 2016 at 11:06 am
    Unlike you, I dont need or seek others approval. It’s called being a man. Maybe if you didn’t live at home with mommy and daddy you would know what I’m talking about. But since you do I don’t hold it against you. That’s why you are so entertaining. Oh and I appreciate you calling me one of the smartest guys on this blog and coming to terms with yourself about being a jackass. Good job clown.


    I am almost at a lost for words. You are so dumb. You post the most unoriginal material ever and you think it’s offensive.

    You pull out insults that might have been funny in 1985. Buddy, it’s 2016. Your mommy and daddy insults were used over 1 million times already. Is this the best you can do?

    I feel like I am debating a mentally retarded child that uses the computer when no one is watching.

    And it’s okay that you are not part of the Kahuku football team. Now breathe, breathe, we don’t want you to do something stupid (like be a pedophile), again….

    Breathe 88, breathe 88!

  35. Education First November 9, 2016 1:33 pm

    88 thinks the words “silly” and “comical” have the same meaning. Obviously he has never read a book other than Babar or Clifford the Big Red Dog. His knowledge of elementary level vocabulary is atrocious.

    He comments that silly and comical are the same and then thinks he is being insulting. But in reality, he uses words out of context since he doesn’t understand many definition for certain words.

    Case in point:

    Silly means: “having or showing a lack of thought, understanding, or good judgment; foolish or stupid; not practical or sensible; not serious, meaningful, or important.”

    Comical means: “producing laughter; amusing; funny.” http://www.dictionary.com/browse/comical

    And thinking these two words have the same meaning he uses them inappropriately to make absolutely no sense for the 100th or more time.

    I feel sorry for you 88. I would call you a clown, but we all know that isn’t even an insult. You seriously need to ask you P.O. if you can enroll in Adult Classes and maybe (we all will be pulling for you 88) you can one day get your G.E.D.

    I know it’s a stretch and not a realistic goal, but shoot for the stars buddy!

    And when Kahuku wins the state title, I hope you have a great seat to watch their parade or assembly when they celebrate winning since that is the closest you will ever get to being a part of a real team.

    Until then, keep blogging, haha idiot!

  36. 88 November 9, 2016 2:13 pm

    You think your in a debate? Your posts lack merit and substance for this to be a debate. A lot of humor, just like a good clown should post, but that’s it. And what’s up with the retarded child? First your battling pre schoolers and now your debating handicapped children.

  37. Red panties for life November 9, 2016 4:00 pm

    Its gonna be a fireworks show. 5 touchdown in the air 3 on the ground. Good night waianae.

  38. TheHeartlessPrick November 9, 2016 4:18 pm

    @Red panties for life

    They just repeating history. Their coaches couldn’t beat St. Louis back in their day. What makes them think they got the remedy to beating them now? DC is from Damien, need I say more? This game is gonna be a great game & experience for Flashback Friday. Start the pregame & post game festivities early. There will be a lot of disgruntled west side people leaving the stadium. No throwing up the “W” on Friday. #BewareOfAngryLocals

  39. oia#1 November 9, 2016 9:39 pm

    Love waianae, hope they can come up with a good scheme to keep tua off the field. Its going to be like waianae vs waianae lol. Lots of waianae kids go to play saint louis. R.R is the heart of the team, the best running back in the state behind an o.k oline. Hoping offense coaches can get it together. Defense goin be solid.

  40. Jason Keuma November 10, 2016 9:29 am

    I changed my plans so I can watch both games. I couldn’t watch the replay, because some one was going to
    Comment who the winner of the Kahuku/kapolei game would be playing some time during the Kahuku game live. Problem solved.

    Good luck Waianae.

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