LIVE BLOG: HHSAA Girls, opening round

Kayla Lono (Leilehua), at right, battles Sydnie Lista (Farrington) in an opening-round match in the girls 112 weight class of the Chevron/HHSAA State Wrestling Championships on Friday, Mar. 6, 2015. Paul Honda/Star-Advertiser.
Kayla Lono (Leilehua), at right, battles Sydnie Lista (Farrington) in an opening-round match in the girls 112 weight class of the Chevron/HHSAA State Wrestling Championships on Friday, Mar. 6, 2015. Paul Honda/Star-Advertiser.
The morning matches are underway as of roughly 10:15 a.m. here at Neal Blaisdell Arena.

The HHSAA is providing results via its in-house computerized system and I’ll post all of it as I receive it here at the press table. Nothing yet as there are six mats in action, a six-ring circus of championship wrestling.

A lot of talk — controversy? — regarding the plethora of elite wrestlers who are unseeded in this tourney for various reasons. But the one match I’m really zoning in on is the boys 138 weight class, where No. 1 seed Joshua Crimmins of Punahou will take on Mililani’s talented Zack Diamond. Why does it matter? Well, Diamond has been one of the top wrestlers in the state for awhile. Our erstwhile wrestling scribe, Jerry Campany, currently has Diamond ranked fourth statewide in his Pound-For-Pound Rankings. He happened to get injured at the OIA championships, and now Crimmins has the match of his life in the first action of his state tourney later today.

(You can see Jerry’s Girls Pound-For-Pound rankings here.)

I saw Crimmins get head-butted during the ILH Dual Championships nearly two weeks ago. His bell got rung, but he recovered and punished the Pac-Five wrestler the rest of the way. He played with a unique and understandable ferocity that day.

For what it’s worth, one longtime head coach noted to me this morning that these glitches — or whatever you want to call them — in the seeding/pairing system happen from time to time.

“Has it ever been this extreme,” I asked.

He said yes.

10:35 a.m.

Bailey Hoshino (PUN) def. Raven Rafael (KS), Fall :25.
Menjam Tamang (ROOS) def. Olivia Crowl (HPA), Fall 1:59
>> Hoshino will meet Tamang, quarterfinals.

Ira Navarro (LAH) def. Kaisa Ishikawa (KAUAI), MD 13-3.
Amanda Higa (MOA) def. Carla Fontes (WAIK), 23-9.
>> Navarro vs. Higa, quarterfinals.

Chelsey Chaves (MAUI) def. Ariel Goo (MIL), Fall 2:35.
Kacie Nishimura (PRI) def. Jayci Gomes (CAM), Fall 2:00.
>> Chaves vs. Nishimura, quarterfinals.

Karly-Lou Ayano (SHA) def. Aileen Umayas (KEAAU), 12-11.
Alexis Nelson (WAIN) def. Adrianna Sanches (LAN), Fall 1:02.
>> Ayano vs. Nelson, quarterfinals.

Iverly Navarro (LAH) def. Angelou Jade Daan (MCK), Fall 3:09.
Ilysia Sharai Sana (WAIN) def. Taylor Miyao (PRI), Fall 2:26.
>> Navarro vs. Sana, quarterfinals.

Kalissa Pundyke (CAM) vs. Jordyn Kahananui (KAUAI), Fall :34.
Skye Sakashita (PUN) def. Uamili Hayashida (KSH), Fall 1:40.
>> Pundyke vs. Sakashita, quarterfinals.

Hilinai Meyer (KS) def. Nina Bean (KAIM), 10-1.
Kyla Aruda (KK) def. Xiaolin Mai (ROOS), Fall 3:09.
>> Meyer vs. Aruda, quarterfinals.

Elexius Keophilavanh-Agustin (WAIP) def. Isabel Masiglat (MIL), 16-13.
Brianna Leong (LEI) vs. Keale Kalahiki (KSM), Fall :36.
>> Keophilavanh-Agustin vs. Leong, quarterfinals.

Alexis Encinas (LAH) def. Olivia Hettel-Hori (KEALA), MD 12-1.
Jaryn Cachola (FAR) def. Shelby Say (MPI), MD 13-2.
>> Encinas vs. Cachola in quarterfinals.

Alana Alviar (CAM) def. Jasmine Hsia (PUN), Fall 1:49.
Marissa Guerra (HIL) def. Khaitlin Bernaldez (MOA), Fall 2:45.
>> Alviar vs. Guerra, quarterfinals.

Brooke Kawamura (KS) def. Ilima Kepono-Ferreira (KEALA), Fall 1:57.
Megan Mena (ROS) def. Alysa Queral (MAUI), Fall 4:24.
>> Kawamura vs. Mena, quarterfinals.

Victoria Greco-Hiranaka (HPA) def. Kamryn Topasna (RAD), Fall 1:31.
Mikayla Abe (PC) def. Jasel Joy Bagaoisan (MCK), Fall 1:16.
>> Greco-Hiranaka vs. Abe, quarterfinals.

Diamond Freitas (LAH) def. Jaelynn Miner (NAN), Fall 1:29.
Macy Higa (ROS) def. Sydnee Ramirez (MPI), Fall 4:36.
>> Freitas vs. Higa, quarterfinals.

Sarah Patanapaiboon (CAM) def. Nika Tapucol (KAUAI), Fall 1:32.
Kaitlyn Funai (HIL) def. Kathleen Chow (KS), Fall 2:47.
>> Patanapaiboon vs. Funai, quarterfinals.

Kayla Lono (LEI) def. Sydnie Lista (FAR), 6-2.
Desiree Corpuz (MOL) def. Ray Lyn Kaua Albino-Kaupu (KSH), Fall 2:19.
>> Lono vs. Corpuz, quarterfinals.

Joen Tominaga (PC) def. Charlotte Lois Taylor (KEALA), 7-4.
Taryn Ichimura (PUN) def. Michie Okura (MCK), 8-6.
>> Tominaga vs. Ichimura, quarterfinals.

Alexis Ford (PC) def. Hanna Kannys (KAIS), Fall 3:42.
Tehani Carlson (WAIN) def. Kristen Pang (PUN), Fall 3:41.
>> Ford vs. Carlson, quarterfinals.

Kaile Kron (LAH) def. Sierra Kalama (KAUAI), Fall 2:47.
Brandy Ilac-Wong (HON) def. Bryndall McAluney (MPI), TF 22-6.
>> Kron vs. Ilac-Wong, quarterfinals.

Kailaoe Cabanting (MOL) def. Alsie Bahilot (CAS), Fall :55.
Kristen Kojima (ROS) def. Dana Kai Reilly-Gober (KEALA), Fall 1:23.
>> Cabanting vs. Kojima, quarterfinals.

Czarina Pineda Abaya (KK) def. Crystal Lynn Baysa (KSH), Fall 5:40.
Zion-Grace Vierra (KS) def. Ashley Hubble (RAD), Fall 4:29.
>> Abaya vs. Vierra, quarterfinals.

Teniya Alo (IOL) def. Gabrielle Perez (FAR), Fall 1:22.
Allie Mahoe (KPO) def. Jasey Sotelo (MIL), Fall 1:15.
>> Alo vs. Mahoe, quarterfinals.

Sierra Pico (MOL) def. Summer Suttel (ISL), Fall :37.
Iwikehauokalewa Kinimaka (CAM) def. Miya Smigel (HPA), Fall 3:48.
>> Pico vs. Kinimaka, quarterfinals.

Eliana Mundon (AIEA) def. Kasey Pule (KSH), 3-0.
Anuhea Hamilton (WAIN) def. Laynee Paison (STF), 4-3.
>> Mundon vs. Hamilton, quarterfinals.

Jaydelynne Mariano (KEALA) def. Shaylin Marn (KS), 8-4.
Taylor Rabara (BAL) def. Rosalani Ikei (KAIS), Fall 1:55.

Maria Garcia (ROS) def. Karena Akeo (MIL), Fall 2:40.
Hiialo Harold (KK) def. Abigail Riley (HPA), Fall 1:02.
>> Garcia vs. Harold, quarterfinals.

Anela Wasson (KAH) def. Airica Hayasaka (MPI), Fall 3:13.
Saydee Makaiwi (MOL) def. Dana Sugai (KON), Fall :37.
>> Wasson vs. Makaiwi, quarterfinals.

Alicia Liemsithisak (CAM) vs. Kamele Sanchez (HON), 11-7.
Asia Lien Evans (PC) def. Shovarani Santiago (AIEA), Fall 1:13.
>> Liemsithisak vs. Evans, quarterfinals.

Angessa Newman (WAIN) def. Kristina Mau (LAH), 5-2.
Tate Williams (KS) def. Kristen Joy Lagunoy (KPO), Fall :26.
>> Newman vs. Williams, quarterfinals.

Teshya Alo (KS) def. Alexandrea Aquino (LAH), Fall :13.
Angeliq Kane (MOA) def. Jamie Hoe (KK), Fall 3:24.
>> Alo vs. Kane, quarterfinals.

Viviana Barcina (KAH) def. Skyla Clark (WAIP), Fall 1:34.
Kayla Araki (KSH) def. Chaika Kauhola (AIEA), Fall 1:52.
>> Barcina vs. Araki, quarterfinals.

Alexandria Simon (MOL) def. Jenna Awana (WAIN), TF 20-1.
Jordyn Watanabe (MIL) def. Cianni Kekuhuna (HON), 9-6.
>> Simon vs. Watanabe, quarterfinals.

Gionne Anaban-Morse (KEALA) def. Amber Strong (CAM), Fall 4:58.
Asia Igafo (CAM) — bye.
>> Anaban-Morse vs. Igafo, quarterfinals.

Breanna Dudoit-Vasquez (LAH) def. Kayla Spencer (CAS), Fall :41.
Lokelani Kam (CAM) def. Tara Labanon (DMS), Fall 1:41.
>> Dudoit-Vasquez vs. Kam, quarterfinals.

Dani Dinloker Santiago (MIL) def. Nai‘a Manintin (KAUAI), Fall :17.
Loke Ching (HPA) def. Sophia Straton (PUN), Fall 5:55.
>> Dinloker Santiago vs. Ching, quarterfinals.

Kayla Gaspar-Takahashi (KS) def. Gayla Alonzo-Estrada (KSH), Fall :24.
Dianna Marquez (AIEA) def. Alysha Reinhardt (BAL), Fall 3:50.
>> Gaspar-Takahashi vs. Marquez, quarterfinals.

Haylee Jimeno (WAIP) def. Taryn Corabi (HON), TF 17-2.
Netanya Kang (PC) def. Cassandra Tongi (KAH), Fall 2:49.
>> Jimeno vs. Kang, quarterfinals.

NOTE: The No. 2 seed, Taysia Kano of Kapolei, did not make weight this morning. The OIA champion was replaced in that slot by league runner-up Netanya Kang, who defeated Kahuku’s Cassandra Tongi.

Carly Jaramillo (LAH) — bye.
Jacqueline Fuamatu (PC) def. Taylor Higa (MAR), Fall 1:27.
>> Jaramillo vs. Fuamatu, quarterfinals.

Lilia Kaka (KAH) def. Sarah Matsunaga (KAIS), Fall :53.
Malia Manuel (KLH) def. Rae Cardusa (HPA), Fall 5:59.
>> Kaka vs. Manuel, quarterfinals.

Jaclyn Fontanilla (KS) def. Jaynah Dias (KSH), Fall :22.
Gezlen Ragudos (AIEA) def. Keanna Popejoy-Kanamu (KK), Fall 2:33.
>> Fontanilla vs. Ragudos, quarterfinals.

Zanaiah Benjamin (WAIN) def. Kaitlyn Maarsingh (HON), Fall :37.
Angela Peralta (CAM) — bye.
>> Benjamin vs. Peralta, quarterfinals.

Tyzandria Wells (NAN) def. Taj Vierra (KS), Fall 4:45.
Cendall Manley (MOL) def. Aaliyah Wright (CAM), 6-2.
>> Wells vs. Manley, quarterfinals.

Avei Lualemaga (AIEA) def. Brianna Kaneshiro (KAUAI), Fall :35.
Stevie Pactol (HON) def. Kaleiwohiokalani Sataua (HKM), Fall :26.
>> Lualemaga vs. Pactol, quarterfinals.

Shanacie Keaweehu (KAH) def. Monica McKeague (WAIK), Fall :44.
Lainey Sanborn (SHA) def. Autumn Ollice (RAD), 9-8.
>> Keaweehu vs. Sanborn, quarterfinals.

Kelsey Kim (PUN) def. Taylor Chan (KEEAU), Fall 2:51.
Saydie Kala (BAL) def. Tiana Peterson (KPO), 9-0.
>> Kim vs. Kala, quarterfinals.

NOTE: Wells with the major upset of No. 1 seed Vierra. I asked one of the longtime wrestling folks here about the match.

“It was kind of sloppy wrestling by both of them, and then (Vierra) got caught,” he said.

Caragh Morris (CAM) — bye.
Amanda Stark (IOL) def. Davelette Charles (KAH), 4-1.
>> Morris vs. Stark, quarterfinals.

Reydell Ewaliko Kauhane (NAN) def. Jasmyn Davis (MOL), Fall 1:52.
Stephanie Times (AIEA) def. Ivory Ayers (KEALA), Fall 2:56.
>> Ewaliko Kauhane vs. Times, quarterfinals.

Callan Medeiros (KS) — bye.
Pohai Apana Carvalho (MIL) def. Teronica Amani (WAIN), 3-2.
>> Medeiros vs. Apana Carvalho, quarterfinals.

Jennie Fuamatu (PC) def. Shivahn Akau (KPO), Fall 1:38.
Karina Arroya-Haro (LAH) — bye.
>> Fuamatu vs. Arroya-Haro, quarterfinals.

Leilani Camargo-Naone (KS) — bye.
Mildred Keopuhiwa (WAIN) — bye.
>> Camargo-Naone vs. Keopuhiwa, quarterfinals.

Jocelyn Alo (KAH) — bye.
Alohi Chambless (HPA) — bye.
>> Alo vs. Chambless, quarterfinals.

Hannah Miyamoto (LAH) — bye.
Alyandina Bushe (KPO) — bye.
>> Miyamoto vs. Bushe, quarterfinals.

Martika English (MOL) def. Kiara Tiumalu (CAM), Fall 2:30.
Sarah Miner — bye.
>> English vs. Miner, quarterfinals.

Lalelei Mata‘afa (LAH) — bye.
Divine Tanuvasa-Fuaga (PUN) def. Daisy Evangatina Agae (WAIN), Fall 2:30.
>> Mata‘afa vs. Tanuvasa-Fuaga, quarterfinals.

Sabrina Alo (KAH) def. Baylee Mason (DMS), Fall 1:28.
Ebony Ayers (KEAAU) def. Kortney Russell (KSM), Fall 1:32.
>> Alo vs. Ayers, quarterfinals.

Sabrina Hollins (WAIP) — bye.
Tristen Borden (BAL) def. Cayla Johnson (HPA), Fall 3:25.
>> Hollins vs. Broden, quarterfinals.

Shavon Mello-Waiawaiole (KAU) def. Kaily DeSantos (MIL), Fall :17.
Aulii Young (SF) — bye.
>> Mello-Waiawaiole vs. Young, quarterfinals.

Team standings
Place, School, Points, Entrants-Quarterfinalists, Consolation Round 1
1. Kamehameha 27, 13-9-4
2. Pearl City 26, 7-7-0
3. Molokai 25.5, 8-7-1
4. Campbell 22, 12-8-4
4. Lahainaluna 22, 12-10-2
6. Kahuku 20, 8-6-2
6. Roosevelt 20, 6-5-1
6. Waianae 20, 10-7-3
9. Aiea 18, 8-6-2
9. Punahou 18, 8-5-3
11. Baldwin 11, 4-3-1
12. Hawaii Prep 8, 8-3-5
12. Hilo 8, 2-2-0
12. King Kekaulike 8, 4-2-2
12. Mililani 8, 8-3-5
12. Nanakuli 8, 3-2-1
17. Honokaa 7.5, 6-2-4
18. Moanalua 7, 3-2-1
19. ‘Iolani 6, 2-2-0
19. Kealakehe 6, 5-2-3
19. Leilehua 6, 2-2-0
22. Waipahu 5.5, 4-3-1
23. Ka‘u 4, 1-1-0
23. Kalaheo 4, 1-1-0
23. Kalani 4, 1-1-0
23. Kamehameha-Hawaii 4, 7-1-6
23. Kapolei 4, 5-2-3
23. Keaau 4, 5-1-4
23. Maui 4, 2-1-1
23. Sacred Hearts 4, 2-2-0
23. St. Andrew’s Priory 4, 2-1-1
32. Farrington 3, 3-1-2
33. Castle 0, 3-1-2
33. Damien 0, 2-0-2
33. Halau Ku Mana 0, 1-0-1
33. Island 0, 1-0-1
33. Kaimuki 0, 1-0-1
33. Kaiser 0, 2-0-2
33. Kamehameha-Maui 0, 2-0-2
33. Kauai 0, 7-0-7
33. Konawaena 0, 1-0-1
33. Lanai 0, 1-0-1
33. Maryknoll 0, 1-0-1
33. McKinley 0, 3-0-3
33. Mid-Pacific 0, 4-0-4
33. Radford 0, 3-0-3
33. St. Francis 0, 2-1-1
33. Waiakea 0, 2-0-2


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