Punahou, Moanalua: Nos. 1, 2 for most state titles

Punahou's Zayne Chong drove to the basket in a state tournament victory over McKinley on Feb. 12. The Buffanblu boys basketball team went on to win the Division I state title, one of 12 state championships the school collected in the 2017-18 school year. Jamm Aquino / Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

Not surprisingly, Punahou won the most team state championships out of the 46 koa trophies awarded during the 2017-18 sports season.

Moanalua came in second among the state’s high schools with four. After that Baldwin, ‘Iolani and St. Francis tied with three each.

By league, the ILH took home 25 state titles, followed by the OIA with nine, the BIIF with six, the MIL with six, and the KIF with none.

The top schools in boys sports are: Punahou with five state titles, Moanalua with three, and Baldwin, ‘Iolani and St. Francis with two each.

The top schools in girls sports are: Punahou with seven and Sacred Hearts with two.

Twenty different schools won state championships. Here they are:

>> Punahou (12): Girls cross country, Division I boys basketball, boys canoe paddling, girls canoe paddling, boys swimming and diving, girls swimming and diving, girls golf, girls tennis, boys track and field, girls track and field, D-I boys volleyball, girls water polo.

>> Moanalua (4): Boys air riflery, boys golf, boys judo, girls judo.

>> Baldwin (3): Girls wrestling, D-I boys soccer co-champs, D-I baseball.

>> ‘Iolani (3): Boys cross country, D-I girls soccer, boys tennis.

>> St. Francis (3): D-II boys basketball, D-II softball, D-II boys volleyball.

>> Hawaii Prep (2): D-I boys soccer co-champs, D-II girls soccer.

>> Kamehameha-Hawaii (2): D-II girls basketball, D-II boys soccer.

>> Leilehua (2): Boys wrestling, D-I softball.

>> Mililani (2): Boys bowling, cheerleading (large squad).

>> Sacred Hearts (2): Girls air riflery, cheerleading (medium squad).

>> Seabury Hall (2): D-II girls cross country, mixed canoe paddling.

>> Damien (1): D-II baseball.

>> Hawaii Baptist (1): D-I boys cross country.

>> Hilo (1): D-I football.

>> Kamehameha (1): D-I girls volleyball.

>> Konawaena (1): D-I girls basketball.

>> Lahainaluna (1): D-II football.

>> Le Jardin (1): D-II girls volleyball.

>> Pearl City (1): Girls bowling.

>> Saint Louis (1): Open Division football.

This is the breakdown by season and sport:

>> Boys air riflery: Moanalua
>> Girls air riflery: Sacred Hearts
>> Boys bowling: Mililani
>> Girls bowling: Pearl City
>> Cheerleading (large squad): Mililani
>> Cheerleading (medium squad): Sacred Hearts
>> Boys cross country Division I: ‘Iolani
>> Boys cross country Division II: Hawaii Baptist
>> Girls cross country Division I: Punahou
>> Girls cross country Division II: Seabury Hall
>> Football Open Division: Saint Louis
>> Football Division I: Hilo
>> Football Division II: Lahainaluna
>> Girls volleyball Division I: Kamehameha
>> Girls volleyball Division II: Le Jardin

>> Boys basketball Division I: Punahou
>> Boys basketball Division II: St. Francis
>> Girls basketball Division I: Konawaena
>> Girls basketball Division II: Kamehameha-Hawaii
>> Boys canoe paddling: Punahou
>> Girls canoe paddling: Punahou
>> Mixed canoe paddling: Seabury Hall
>> Boys soccer Division I: Baldwin and Hawaii Prep (co-champions)
>> Boys soccer Division II: Kamehameha-Hawaii
>> Girls soccer Division I: ‘Iolani
>> Girls soccer Division II: Hawaii Prep
>> Boys swimming and diving: Punahou
>> Girls swimming and diving: Punahou
>> Boys wrestling: Leilehua
>> Girls wrestling: Baldwin

>> Baseball Division I: Baldwin
>> Baseball Division II: Damien
>> Boys golf: Moanalua
>> Girls golf: Punahou
>> Boys judo: Moanalua
>> Girls judo: Moanalua
>> Softball Division I: Leilehua
>> Softball Division II: St. Francis
>> Boys tennis: ‘Iolani
>> Girls tennis: Punahou
>> Boys track and field: Punahou
>> Girls track and field: Punahou
>> Boys volleyball Division I: Punahou
>> Boys volleyball Division II: St. Francis
>> Girls water polo: Punahou


  1. KSK Alumnus May 13, 2018 10:55 pm

    (1) State Title for Kamehameha-Kapalama. How sad is that. Athletic department is a JOKE!!!!! ADs must go!!!!!

  2. KSK Alumnus May 13, 2018 10:58 pm

    Don’t know how many coaches were let go in the current AD’s tenure. I do know that the Boys basketball coach is gone, the girls basketball coach is gone, the baseball coach and the entire Varsity and JV staff were let go just two days before tryouts and I can only speculate that the softball coach is done too! All in one year. What a mess!!!!!

  3. Too Meke 2 May 13, 2018 11:27 pm

    Kind of embarrassing that Kamehameha-Kapalama only has one state title this year with all that talent. And my alma mater Kahuku has 0. Auwe.

  4. TheRealDealisBack May 14, 2018 7:29 am

    Most of Punahou’s State titles are in sports the general population and student body have zero interest or ones that the majority of schools even participate or field teams.

    Girls cross country, boys canoe paddling, girls canoe paddling, boys swimming and diving, girls swimming and diving, girls golf, girls tennis, girls water polo. LOL….why don’t you add ping pong, chess, Warcraft and tiddlywinks while your at it!!

  5. Falcon Future May 14, 2018 7:56 am

    ^^^ Wow, that is surprising that Kahuku got shut out this year.

  6. HI SCHOOL May 14, 2018 9:15 am

    They should do an overall count for state championships from each league. I wonder who in the OIA has the most state championship titles.

  7. WINNING! May 14, 2018 11:40 am

    Easy to see the jealousy in the previous comment! 🙂 How about boys basketball? Track and field? Does that count? Which sports should count? Or does only football count? Pretty good there too! Good kids, great coaching, and the will to win equals BEST IN STATE! HaHa!

  8. Punahou Scholarships May 14, 2018 2:56 pm

    Good coaching????? It’s called Scholarships

  9. Mahatma Gandhi May 14, 2018 3:27 pm

    St Louis only cares about football. Win-at-all-costs football program.

  10. Too Meke 2 May 14, 2018 7:25 pm

    I smell a lot of jealousy by TheRealDealisBack. Every sport is just as important to the children who are participating in it. My niece got a full ride to swim at Auburn. Nothing wrong with that sport.

  11. TheRealDealisBack May 14, 2018 9:50 pm

    To Posters #7 and 9. Don’t get all sensitive just because the Truth hurts. The “mercenaries” brought on campus just to play sports using “diversity scholarships” (i.e. sports scholarships but Punahou can’t call them that because athletic scholies are banned by ILH) are a joke that the general student population who really belong there and their parents put up with but quietly complain about. Funny how most of the diversity schoolies go to 6’2″ 220 pound dudes and girls how run the 40 in 4.6 instead of children from underprivileged backgrounds with talents in other areas like music, dance, etc. Parents and alumni getting fed up with the resources used to set up “special classes” with tutors on campus (they just opened up another one this year) that’s just for athletes and some elite ones getting off-campus apartments to stay in from sponsors. Jealous? Yeah, maybe because REAL STUDENTS WHO BELONG AT PUNAHOU STRUGGLE TO PAY FULL TUITION WHILE THESE ATTENDEES WITH WHO AREN’T A SCHOOL FIT IN ANYWAY GET A FULL RIDE. Think about that the next time you buy malasades to fund these folks. At least at Iolani you have to be a legit student to get and stay in school.

    Most State Titles? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  12. Ldub20 May 14, 2018 11:33 pm

    TheRealDealisBack, we all know you worship everything Donald Trump does and hate everything to do with Obama. Too bad you know as much about sports as you know about politics.

  13. Ldub20 May 14, 2018 11:35 pm

    TheRealDealisBack knows as much about sports as Trump supporters know about politics.

  14. Trump Ain't My President May 15, 2018 3:11 am

    TheRealDealisBack, so anyone that disagrees with you is an idiot? Can’t take different opinions, can you?

  15. TheRealDealisBack May 15, 2018 11:22 am

    To poster 12, 13 and 14 (FYI, same person). Not sure what Trump has to do with this conversation but my condolences to you on your sadness. Were you one of the women weeping when Cyborg Hillary lost in November?

    I have no problem with peeps disagreeing with me, not sure where you got that idea. Have more of an issue with half-wits who can’t refute my statements with opinions or facts of their own. Let me know if I need to type slower for you.

    Oh yeah, OWNED!!! LOL!!!!!

  16. WINNING! May 15, 2018 12:10 pm

    RealDeal, you just described “football types”. Yes, Private schools offer assistance. What an opportunity for for good kids to get a better education, have better facilities, be part of rich tradition, with good coaches! What about the other 11 State Championships. The “lame” sports you mentioned. Are they all on “full rides”? That would be a big NO! Sorry, your jealousy shows loud and clear. You’re just another hater. Their has always been, and always be,
    people like you!

  17. TheRealDealisBack May 15, 2018 12:42 pm

    Poster 16: Wrong again Golden OH. Know for a FACT that boys b-ball, girls b-ball players as well as participants in other “lame” (your word not mine) sports were/are on full rides. Fact check before displaying your ignorance. It’s not hate if it’s a fact. BTW you had the formula wrong…it’s really free ride outside kids + doesn’t matter who the coach is + championships in sparsely participated sports = state championships.

    Rich tradition? You mean the one about the school’s plantation mentality and missionary types? LOL!!! In Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father”, he mentions that he first had feelings of anger towards whites while attending Punahou. I wonder why. Go google it.

    PS – Is it WINNING! or WHINNING! because I’m doing all the winning here, Junior.

  18. Hwnstyll May 15, 2018 1:19 pm

    So what’s your beef real deal?
    Public schools students education is free to them funded by tax payers or all on assistance and your anger against Punahou assistance to students are funded by carnival. Who are you mad at? And why do you care? Kamehameha has a trust, charters are funded by taxes too?

  19. Ldub20 May 15, 2018 2:12 pm

    TheRealDealisBack is just mad because some pretty Punahou chick wouldn’t give him any, even though his ultimate fantasy is to taking it in the rump the fatneck that is Donald Trump. Right, Rex Kamakana?

  20. TheRealDealisBack May 15, 2018 2:25 pm

    Not sure why posting the Truth is misconstrued as anger. Do the facts hurt some of you? Or is the revelation of “what is” too much to handle? Post things to the contrary if you can. If not consider yourselves educated with street knowledge you don’t find in textbooks. You’re welcome.

    Oh yeah.

  21. TheRealDealisBack May 15, 2018 2:27 pm

    @ 19 – Don’t hit the liquor cabinet before posting. Or did you fall off a cliff and hit your head as a child? Let us know. Thanks.

  22. Ldub20 May 15, 2018 2:32 pm

    TheRealDealisBack is a typical Iolani elitist. “I”m better than you because I’m an Iolani grad!” Can’t handle opinions that differ from his. Is that right, Rex Kamakana? Ignore TheRealDealisBack because he’s mad that Donald Trump is in love with Melania and not him!

  23. TheRealDealisBack May 15, 2018 3:45 pm

    Hmm, so Rex Kamakana is an Iolani loyalist in your head? If you’re one of the bumpkins that the Sons of Oahu brought in to play football you might want to call Leavitt, Yamane and Soldner. Judging from your posts you’re a shoo-in to win a CTE case against the Buffnblu.

  24. Ldub20 May 15, 2018 3:55 pm

    TheRealDealisBack, don’t be mad that Trump can’t be your husband!

  25. TheRealDealisBack May 15, 2018 4:24 pm

    @24: Great, more posts to bolster your CTE lawsuit. My work here is done. If you post another message on this thread it means I truly own you.

    Signing off and dropping the 🎤

  26. Ldub20 May 15, 2018 4:46 pm

    You may own me, TheRealDealisBack, but WINNING owns YOU! Don’t blame people that disagree with you for your delusions!

  27. Ldub20 May 15, 2018 4:57 pm

    You know what will make TheRealDealisback feel better? Moving to California, watching some Family Guy and American Dad, and playing some Springsteen and Eminem!

  28. WINNING! May 17, 2018 11:06 am

    Real Deal, I guess everything has sparse participation except football? And you don’t know for a fact that those sports are offering FREE rides! They may get in, or get the nod on getting in because of their sport however! Sorry BUD!

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