HAWAII GROWN: McKenzie Milton “as good as can be expected”

Central Florida quarterback McKenzie Milton ran for a 12-yard touchdown against Florida Atlantic earlier this season. Photo courtesy Associated Press.

Mark Milton and his family have been going through trying times since son McKenzie was injured in a football game Nov. 23.

McKenzie Milton has gone through four surgeries on his leg already and is due for reconstructive knee surgery in January at Tampa General Hospital.

Mark Milton opened up on Monday about how things have been going since McKenzie’s injury in UCF’s 38-10 win over South Florida.

He talked about the many people from all over who are praying for McKenzie and the help he has received from two other big-name football players who suffered similar serious leg injuries — Zach Miller of the Chicago Bears, and Joe Theismann, formerly of the Washington Redskins.

McKenzie’s father also mentioned things are going as well as possible for the former Mililani star quarterback, who is looking at a long rehab period.

Subscribers can read the story with Mark Milton’s update on McKenzie in the Dec. 18 issue of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser here.

Milton led UCF to a 13-0 season as a sophomore a year ago and was a big catalyst for the team this year until the injury. That win over the Bulls got the team to 11-0. They’re 12-0 now, ranked No. 8 and have the Fiesta Bowl game against No. 11 LSU on Jan. 1 remaining.

Mark Milton said McKenzie will be flying to Tempe, Ariz., with the team for that game.


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