Here are the voting results from yesterday’s athletic directors conference. See the accompanying story here.

51st annual HIADA Conference

Ala Moana Hotel

June 1-3, 2011

Roll call 10 a.m.

Voting commences 10:15 a.m.

GROUP I (Chair: Wade Okamura, Recorder: Deems Utsumi)

Air Riflery

1. (as amended) Put the BIIF back in the rotation for air riflery with the ILH hosting in 2011-12, the BIIF hosting in 2012-13 and the OIA hosting in 2013-14.

Committee: 33-0

General Assembly: 89-0. Motion carries.


1. (as amended) if the venue cannot accommodate all bowlers simultaneously, the boys and girls team competition will precede the individual competition.

Committee: 32-1

General Assembly: 89-0


1. For the 2011-12 start date, end date and length of season to remain the same as the 2010-11 start date, end date and length of season.

Committee: 28-5

General Assembly: 70-19


1. (as amended) To allow for open warm ups instead of designated time slots during the finals of the state championships

Committee: 33-0

General Assembly: 89-0


1. (as amended) Play all matches 3 out of 5 sets with a time limit on consolation matches

Committee: 33-0

General Assembly: 88-1

GROUP II (Chair: Earl Miyao, Recorder: Cammie Kimball)


1. The contestant will be given two minutes to correct the non-compliance condition. Failure to meet the two-minute deadline will result in a shido plus a shido for every two minutes thereafter.

Committee: 26-0-1

General Assembly: 85-0-4

2. Modify the HHSAA Judo Tournament Handbook, Section V, Tournament Format, Section H, Penalties, to define and clarify Unsportsmanlike Conduct.

Committee: 26-0-1

General Assembly: 84-0-4

3. The penalty for any violation of the leg grab rule will be one shido for the first offense and Technical Hansoku Make for the second offense.

Committee: 26-0-1

General Assembly: 86-0-4

4. A sudden death of 3 minutes (instead of 5) shall be implemented in the case of a tie at the end of the regulation period for all first-, third, and fifth-place matches. A sudden-death overtime shall be implemented in the case of a tie at the end of regulation for all other matches. The contestant who scores the firs point in overtime shall be declared the winner. If a tie still exists at the end of overtime, the referee and judges shall declare the winner.

Committee: 26-0-1

General Assembly: 83-0-4

5. That the protest procedure with an appeals committee be instituted for the HHSAA State Judo Championships.

Committee: 26-0-1

General Assembly: 83-2-4

GROUP 3 (Chair: Stacy Nii, Recorder: Karen Iha)


1. (as amended) Conduct both the Boys and Girls HHSAA GOlf Championships on the same dates on the same island, if possible.

Committee: 19-14

> Discussion: Steve Perry (HPA): “Very hard to host both tournaments at the same time.”

> (unidentified): “It is difficult, should not be mandatory, but allowed if possible. Also, it’s a financial issue.”

General Assembly:  45-42-2

2. Change the HHSAA qualifying “formula” for girls golf to use the number of schools per league instead of the number of golfers per league.

Committee: 33-0

General Assembly: 84-0-2

3. Under representation, eliminate the sentence: “All fractions of more than one-half shall be counted to the next whole number.”

Committee: 29-4

General Assembly: 81-6-1

4. (amended) League to be given a slot of tee times to work with. The league slots would then be rotated each year with the host league assuming the last slot. The league coordinator would work with the HHSAA Coordinator to schedule within these limits.

> Steve Perry: ” ‘Practice rounds’ not included in the proposal language.”

> Blane Gaison (HIADA): “The language was amended, but was not typed up. The original states practice rounds, but the amendment does not. Would anybody like to amend?”

> Amended by Missy Kilbey (St. Andrew’s) to re-include practice times.

General Assembly, to amend: 76-7-3

General Assembly, on amended proposal: 58-31

5. To allow distance-measuring devices.

Committee: 28-5

General Assembly: 69-20

6. Any player who fails to post his score for the first round or his school fails to post the score, will not be allowed to participate in the second round.

Committee: 33-0

General Assembly: 89-0

Track and Field

1. At state tournament, allow (qualified) alternates to replace athletes who scratch from the meet.

Committee: 34-0

General Assembly: 88-0


1. To allow non-wood bats with the new BBCOR certification to be used. during the 2012 HHSAA Wally Yonamine Baseball Tournament. Composite-barreled bats, which were previously banned by HHSAA, will be allowed if they can pass the BBCOR test and are certified.

Committee: 34-0

General Assembly: 87-1

HHSAA recommendation

1. Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, and Boys Volleyball seasons should be 14-week seasons instead of 13 weeks.

Committee: 26-8

General Assembly: 66-20

GROUP 4 (Chair: Leroy Sims, Recorder: Bill Trumbo)

HHSAA recommendation

1. That in Division II Boys Team Sports (Baseball, Basketball, Soccer and Volleyball), the number of state tournament berths be increased to 12 if the number of participating schools statewide exceeds 29.

Committee: 14-15-1 DEFEATED

> Minority Report requested by MIL


> Steve Colflesh (Seabury Hall): “We felt we wanted it to go to the floor. Any time it’s that close in committee.”

> Bob Wagner (KS-Hawaii): “We don’t know where we are from the gender equity standpoint. My thought is if we favor it, we General Assembly for it.”

> Missy Kilbey (St. Andrew’s): “You cannot use Title IX, cut boys programs to fill gender equity obligations.”

> Unidentified: “When it was cut three years ago, it was for budget concerns. If it was brought back, it would not be out of (gender) equity concerns.”

> Raymond Fujino (OIA, formerly of Gender Equity Compliance office): “The original proposal was to cut all 12-team state tournaments across the board, boys and girls, except for football. At that time, I explained that the language was very dangerous and inviting a Title IX lawsuit. Someone proposed something like this … the concern was from the HHSAA at the time. They didn’t want to cut the Division I tournament for whatever reason. But as far as this being a Title IX issue at this point, it MAY be. The number of participants back then, I don’t know what it is now, there are no numbers to look at. Except for football, D-II football has a large number of players compared to the number of girls participating in the state tournaments. As far as the situation now, I don’t know.”

> Unidentified: “If this were passed would the executive board find out the number so we don’t have a lawsuit on our hands?”

> Christopher Chun (HHSAA): “I can’t give an estimate. It would be impossible without all the rosters, but I can give a best estimate.”

General Assembly: 47-38

2. (As amended) All team sports championships (with the exception of football) for Division II should also be on a rotational basis

Committee: 15-14

> Tom Correa: “Rotational for what?”

> Blane Gaison: “Leroy?”

> Leroy Sims: “No comment.”

General Assembly: 52-35-3

3. (As amended)For the following HHSAA tournaments, there will be a three-game/match minimum for all participating teams: Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Water Polo.

Committee: 12-15-4 DEFEATED

General Assembly discussion

> Minority report by MIL

> Steve Coflesh (Seabury Hall): “Last year we passed this same proposal on the floor, but it went to the executive board, it was defeated. Any time we travel, any of us, we want them to allow us to play three matches so they know when their season will end, when their hotel stay will end, parents can watch their children. Chris, the HHSAA can make money on this. Sell three- or four-day passes. Those parents will buy those passes. This is a real plus. But the real point is to bring real closure to your season.

Oahu came to Hilo, played only two games and cheez, it was over. Here’s a chance to go to three or four days.

> Unidentified: “(It’s about) playing in better venues. On Oahu, games were hosted by high schools and some consolation games had very little fans for basketball in D-II consolation, especially for morning games.”

General Assembly: 47-35-7

4. Award the seeded teams in the HHSAA D-II tournament the automatic “home” team versus the lower seed.

Committee: 24-0-2

General Assembly:  85-5

5. Seeding committee to follow:

1) Seeding/Pairing Committee shall be done by the Tournament Seeding Committee. Seeding Committee members will consist of the HHSAA Executive Director, Sports coordinators and Tournament Director;

2) Committee shall seed four of the five league champions into two brackets. No. 1 and No. 4 seeded teams will be placed in the upper bracket and the No. 2 and No. 3 seeded teams will be placed in the lower bracket

3) If there is an unseeded champion, the unseeded champion shall be placed in the upper bracket with the No. 4 seeded team;

4) Place the individual leagues’ second-place teams in the brackets opposite of their league champion. The leagues’ second-place teams should be placed according to how their league champion was seeded. Example: The second-plac eteam of the No. 1 seed shall be placed in the lower bracket with the No. 3 seeded team in the tournament. The second-place team of the second seeded team shall be placed in the upper bracket with the No. 4 seeded team;

5) Place the individual leagues’ third-place teams in the opposite bracket of their league champion. A league’s third-place team should not be paired with their league’s second-place team. If a league’s third-place team cannot be placed in the opposite bracket of their league champion, they will be placed in the same bracket as their league champion, but will be placed with another league’s seeded team;

6) If a league has more than three teams, place the league’s fourth-place team in the first open slot starting from the upper bracket. Their fifth-place team will be placed in the next available slot in the lower bracket. Continue with this procedure until all teams are placed.

Committee: 20-1-9

General Assembly discussion:

> Unidentified: “This through the seeding committee would deviate from that.”

> Steve Colflesh (Seabury Hall): “If the fifth representative is not seeded, would they be seeded as a champion?”

> Rodney Iwasaki (Kaiser): “Go back seven, eight years ago, the unseeded champion would be in the upper double side in line with the fourth-seeded champion. The rule applied with the No. 2. The No. 2 rule would be hard to apply for the eight-team (bracket). Changes gotta be made to the eight-team (bracket). The bumpy part is not written in.”

> Unidentified: “Pac-Five has been the only team from their league and gets seeded…”

> Rodney Iwasaki: “In the past we gave them that championship status as No. 4 away from the No. 1 bracket.”

General Assembly: 72-11-6

6. (As amended) All schools should abide by the state transfer rule regardless of their mission, effective 2012-13 school year.

Committee: 8-9-11 DEFEATED

> Minority report by OIA

General Assembly: 73-3-4

Voting completed 11:07 a.m.


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